beaSearch: Search a selection of indexed BEA data table names, series...

Description Usage Arguments Value Examples


Searches indexed dataset table name, label, and series codes. CAUTION: Currently only works with NATIONAL datasets (NIPA, NIUnderlyingDetail, FixedAssets), temporarily excluding FixedAssets, and REGIONAL datasets (RegionalProduct, RegionalIncome)


beaSearch(searchTerm, beaKey = NULL, asHtml = FALSE)



A word or phrase of class 'character' to be found in BEA datasets


Character string representation of user API key. Necessary for first time use and updates; recommended for anything beyond one-off searches from the console.


Option to return results as DT markup, viewable in browser. Allows search WITHIN YOUR ALREADY-FILTERED RESULTS ONLY. Requires package 'DT' to be installed.


An object of class 'data.table' with information about all indexed sets in which the search term was found.


beaSearch('gross domestic product', asHtml = TRUE)

Example output

Loading required package: data.table
Creating a generic function for 'toJSON' from package 'jsonlite' in package 'googleVis'
[1] "No API key provided and no local metadata storage detected in /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/beaR/data. Please provide a valid key to use beaSearch."
Warning messages:
1: In beaSearch("gross domestic product", asHtml = TRUE) :
  Searching without specifying beaKey, e.g., 
	   beaSearch("tobacco", beaKey = "[your 36-character API key]") 
is not recommended, as the key is needed to update locally stored metadata.
2: In beaSearch("gross domestic product", asHtml = TRUE) :
  No API key provided and no local metadata storage detected in /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/beaR/data. 
		Please provide a valid key to use beaSearch.

bea.R documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:30 p.m.

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