covid: COVID-19 County Level Data

covidR Documentation

COVID-19 County Level Data


A county level COVID-19 dataset in US. It is of interest to examine the association between several county-level characteristics and the cumulative numbers of confirmed cases and deaths. County-level characteristics are based on the 2018 ACS 5-year estimates.




FIPS: FIPS county code
PopE: total population
MaleP: percentage of people who are male
WhiteP: percentage of people who are white
BlackP: percentage of people who are black or African American
Age65plusP: percentage of people who are 65 years and over
PovertyP: percentage of people whose income in the past 12 months is below poverty
RUCC_2013: 2013 Rural Urban Continuum Code, with a higher value indicating a more rural county
State: two-letter state abbreviation code
deaths: cumulative number of deaths as of October 13, 2020
cases: cumulative number of confirmed cases as of October 13, 2020



betaBayes documentation built on May 9, 2022, 5:06 p.m.

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