LL.ROC: ROC curves for the Livingston and Lewis approach.

View source: R/classification.R

LL.ROCR Documentation

ROC curves for the Livingston and Lewis approach.


Generate a ROC curve plotting the false-positive rate against the true-positive rate at different cut-off values across the observed-score scale.


  x = NULL,
  min = 0,
  max = 1,
  true.model = "4P",
  failsafe = TRUE,
  l = 0,
  u = 1,
  maxJ = FALSE,
  maxAcc = FALSE,
  locate = NULL,
  raw.out = FALSE,
  grainsize = 100



A vector of observed results.


The reliability coefficient of the test.


The minimum possible value to attain on the observed-score scale.


The maximum value possible to attain on the test. Default is 1 (assumes that the values contained in x represents proportions of maximum credit).


The true point along the x-scale that marks the categorization-threshold.


The probability distribution to be fitted to the moments of the true-score distribution. Options are "4P" (default) and "2P", referring to four- and two-parameter Beta distributions. The "4P" method produces a four-parameter Beta distribution with the same first four moments (mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis) as the estimated true-score distribution, while the "2P" method produces a two-parameter Beta distribution with the first two moments (mean and variance) as the estimated true-score distribution.


If true-model == "4P": Whether to engage a fail-safe reverting to a two-parameter true-score distribution solution should the four-parameter fitting procedure produce impermissible results. Default is TRUE (engage fail-safe in the event of impermissible estimates).


If true.model == "2P" or failsafe == TRUE: The lower-bound location parameter of the two-parameter true-score distribution solution.


If true.model == "2P" or failsafe == TRUE: The upper-bound location parameter of the two-parameter true-score distribution solution.


Logical. Calculate and include the area under the curve? Default is FALSE.


Logical. Mark the point along the curve where Youden's J statistic is maximized? Default is FALSE.


Logical. Mark the point along the curve where the Accuracy statistic is maximized? Default is FALSE.


Ask the function to locate the cut-point at which sensitivity or NPV is greater than or equal to some value, or specificity or PPV is lesser than or equal to some value. Take as input a character-vector of length 2, with the first argument being which index is to be found (e.g., "sensitivity"), and the second argument the value to locate (e.g., "0.75"). For example: c("sensitivity", "0.75").


Give raw coordinates as output rather than plot? Default is FALSE


Specify the number of cutoff-points for which the ROC curve is to be calculated. The greater this number the greater the accuracy. Default is 100 points.


A plot tracing the ROC curve for the test, or matrix of coordinates if raw.out is TRUE.


# Generate some fictional data. Say, 1000 individuals take a test with a
# maximum score of 100 and a minimum score of 0.
testdata <- rbinom(1000, 100, rBeta.4P(1000, 0.25, 0.75, 5, 3))
hist(testdata / 100, xlim = c(0, 1), freq = FALSE)

# Suppose the cutoff value for attaining a pass is 50 items correct.
# Suppose further that the reliability of the test-scores were estimated to
# 0.75. To produce a plot with an ROC curve using LL.ROC(), along with the
# AUC statistics and the points at which Youden's J. is maximized:
LL.ROC(x = testdata, reliability = 0.7, truecut = 50, min = 0, max = 100,
AUC = TRUE, maxJ = TRUE)
# Or to locate the point at which accuracy is maximized:
LL.ROC(x = testdata, reliability = 0.7, truecut = 50, min = 0, max = 100,
maxAcc = TRUE)

# Using the example data above, the function can be instructed to locate an
# operational cut-point at which sensitivity or specificity is equal to or
# greater than some specified value by specifying the "locate" argument with
# c("statistic", value). For example, to locate the operational cut-point at
# which sensitivity is first equal to or greater than 0.9:
LL.ROC(testdata, reliability = 0.7, min = 0, max = 100, truecut = 50,
locate = c("sensitivity", 0.9))
# For Negative Predictive value, the point at which it is equal or greater:
LL.ROC(testdata, reliability = 0.7, min = 0, max = 100, truecut = 50,
locate = c("NPV", 0.9))
# And so on for other statistics such as Specificity and Positive Predictive
# Value.

betafunctions documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:13 a.m.