Report: bfast profiling results

suppressMessages(if (!require(igraph)) stop("this report uses the igraph package, please install it with install.packages(\"igraph\")"))

buildProfileGraph <- function(profobj, threshold = 2.5) {
  edges = data.frame(from=NULL,to=NULL,weight=NULL)
  vertices = data.frame(name=NULL,label=NULL,weight=NULL)
  for (i in 1:length(profobj$time)) {
    for (j in 1:nrow(profobj$ref[[i]])) {
      # if vertex with name profobj$ref[[i]]$f[i] does not exist, create it
      vname = paste(profobj$ref[[i]]$f[1:j],collapse="/")
      vs = which(vertices$name == vname)
      if (length(vs)==0) {
        vertices = rbind(vertices,data.frame(name=vname, label=profobj$ref[[i]]$f[j], weight=profobj$time[i], stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
      else if (length(vs)==1) {
        vertices$weight[vs] = vertices$weight[vs] + profobj$time[i]
      else {
        warning("duplicate vertices")
    if (nrow(profobj$ref[[i]]) > 1) {
      for (j in 1:(nrow(profobj$ref[[i]])-1)) {
        vname0 = paste(profobj$ref[[i]]$f[1:j],collapse="/")
        vname1 = paste(profobj$ref[[i]]$f[1:(j+1)],collapse="/")
        es = which(edges$from ==vname0 & edges$to == vname1)
        # if edge from profobj$ref[[i]]$f[j] to profobj$ref[[i]]$f[j+1] does not exist, create it
        if (length(es) == 0) {
          edges = rbind(edges,data.frame(from=vname0, to=vname1, weight=profobj$time[i]),stringsAsFactors=FALSE) # TODO: add weight
        else if (length(es) == 1) {
          # add weight profobj$time[i]...
          edges$weight[es] =edges$weight[es] + profobj$time[i] # TODO: add proper weight
        else {
          warning("duplicate edges")
  vertices$reltime =round(100*vertices$weight / sum(profobj$time),digits = 1)
  vertices =vertices[which(vertices$reltime >= threshold),]
  edges = edges[which(edges$from %in% vertices$name & edges$to %in% vertices$name),]
  df.g <- = edges, directed = T,vertices = vertices)
  V(df.g)$label = paste(V(df.g)$label,"\n", V(df.g)$reltime , "%", sep="")

This document identifies computational bottlenecks in functions from benchmark.R.

Tables of most expensive function calls

Below, two tables for all test functions present profiling results with set_default_options() and set_fast_options() respectively.

suppressMessages(if (!require(lineprof)) stop("this report uses the igraph package, please install it with install.packages(\"lineprof\")"))

test.env = new.env()
source("benchmark.R", local = test.env )

# find all functions in environment
fs = names(which(sapply(ls(test.env), function(x) {return(class(get(x, envir = test.env)))}) == "function"))

results.default = list()
results_prof.default = list() list() = list()

ftest = c("model.frame","cumsum","computeEmpProc","extend.RSS.table","RSS","RSSi","extract.breaks", "computeEstims","root.matrix", "crossprod", "border","model.response","model.matrix","outer","as.character","factor","as.ts","ts","%*%","as.vector","as.matrix","lm","", unique(c(ls(envir = environment(bfast::bfast)), ls(envir = environment(strucchange::monitor)))))

for (i in 1:length(fs))
  cat(paste("Running ", fs[i], "() ...\n", sep=""))
  f = get(fs[i],envir = test.env)

  lprof = lineprof(f(),interval = 0.005)
  results_prof.default[[fs[i]]] = lprof
  res = data.frame(f=ftest, time=rep(NA,length(ftest)))
  res$time = sapply(ftest,function(y) { sum(focus(lprof, y)$time)},simplify = "array")
  res = res[order(res$time,decreasing = T),]
  res = res[which(res$time > 0),]
  res = rbind(data.frame(f="(TOTAL)",time=sum(lprof$time)), res)
  res$rel_time = res$time / res$time[1]
  results.default[[fs[i]]] = res

  lprof = lineprof(f(),interval = 0.005)[[fs[i]]] = lprof
  res = data.frame(f=ftest, time=rep(NA,length(ftest)))
  res$time = sapply(ftest,function(y) { sum(focus(lprof, y)$time)},simplify = "array")
  res = res[order(res$time,decreasing = T),]
  res = res[which(res$time > 0),]
  res = rbind(data.frame(f="(TOTAL)",time=sum(lprof$time)), res)
  res$rel_time = res$time / res$time[1][[fs[i]]] = res
for (fname in names(results.default)) {
  # print bottlenecks old vs new, show only functions with more than or equal to 2% of the total computation times
  cat(paste("### Function:",fname))
  rownames(results.default[[fname]]) <- NULL
  rownames([[fname]]) <- NULL
  print(kable(results.default[[fname]][which(results.default[[fname]]$rel_time >= 0.02),],format="markdown"))
  print(kable([[fname]][which([[fname]]$rel_time >= 0.02),],format="markdown"))

Graphs of most expensive function calls

The following graphs present call graphs of most expensive operations. Given percentages represent the time a function needs to complete relative to the overall computation time. For all test functions, two graphs with set_default_options() and set_fast_options() respectively are shown.

for (fname in names(results_prof.default)) {
 graph = buildProfileGraph(results_prof.default[[fname]])
 plot(graph,main=paste("Function: ", fname, " (orig.)", sep=""),layout=layout_(graph,as_tree()), vertex.size = 6,vertex.frame.color="gray", vertex.label.cex = 0.3,vertex.label.color="black", vertex.color="gray", edge.width=0.7, edge.arrow.width=0.0)

 graph = buildProfileGraph([[fname]])
 plot(graph,main=paste("Function: ", fname, " (mod.)", sep=""),layout=layout_(graph,as_tree()), vertex.size = 6,vertex.frame.color="gray", vertex.label.cex = 0.3,vertex.label.color="black", vertex.color="gray", edge.width=0.7, edge.arrow.width=0.0)

This report has been generated on r Sys.time().

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bfast documentation built on May 10, 2021, 5:08 p.m.