
test_that("Do read bib", {
  file <- system.file("bib/xampl_single.bib", package = "bibtex")

  # Mock RefManageR behaviour
  encoding <- "UTF-8"

  srcfile <- switch(encoding,
    unknown = srcfile(file),
    srcfile(file, encoding = encoding)

  f <- do_read_bib(file, encoding = "UTF-8", srcfile = srcfile)


test_that("Do read bib with non standard entries", {
  tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".bib")
  entry <- "@Website{newspaper,
    author = {Van Damme, Jean-Claude},
    title  = {Article title},
    date   = {2016-12-21},
    journal = {Newspaper name},
  writeLines(entry, tmp)

  out <- do_read_bib(tmp, encoding = "UTF-8", srcfile = tmp)


test_that("do read with several entries", {
  bib <- system.file("bib/xampl_standard.bib", package = "bibtex")
  out <- do_read_bib(bib, encoding = "UTF-8", srcfile = bib)

  expect_snapshot_output(lapply(out, print))

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bibtex documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 8:26 p.m.