Man pages for biclustermd
Biclustering with Missing Data

as.BiclustConvert a 'biclustermd' object to a 'Biclust' object
autoplot.biclustermdMake a heatmap of sparse biclustering results
autoplot.biclustermd_simPlot similarity measures between two consecutive...
autoplot.biclustermd_ssePlot sums of squared errors (SSEs) consecutive biclustering...
biclustermdBicluster data with non-random missing values
biclustermd-packagebiclustermd: A package to bicluster data with missing values
binary_vector_genMake a binary vector with all values equal to zero except for...
cell_heatmapMake a heat map of bicluster cell sizes.
cell_mseMake a data frame containing the MSE for each bicluster cell
cluster_iteration_sum_sseCalculate the sum cluster SSE in each iteration
col_cluster_namesGet column names in each column cluster
col.namesA generic to gather column names
col.names.biclustermdGet data matrix column names and their corresponding column...
compare_biclustersCompare two biclusterings or a pair of partition matrices
fill_empties_PRandomly select a column prototype to fill an empty column...
fill_empties_QRandomly select a row prototype to fill an empty row...
format_partitionFormat a partition matrix
gather.biclustermdGather a biclustermd object
jaccard_similarityCompute the Jaccard similarity coefficient for two...
mse_heatmapMake a heatmap of cell MSEs
partition_genGenerate an intial, random partition matrix with N objects...
partition_gen_by_pCreate a partition matrix with a partition vector p
part_matrix_to_vectorConvert a partition matrix to a vector
position_finderFind the index of the first nonzero value in a vector
print.biclustermdPrint an object of class biclustermd
reorder_biclustReorder a bicluster object for making a heat map
rep_biclustermdRepeat a biclustering to achieve a minimum SSE solution
results_heatmapMake a heatmap of sparse biclustering results
row_cluster_namesGet row names in each row cluster
row.names.biclustermdGet data matrix row names and their corresponding row cluster...
runtimesAlgorithm run time data
syntheticSynthetic data for examples.
tune_biclustermdBicluster data over a grid of tuning parameters
biclustermd documentation built on June 17, 2021, 5:11 p.m.