Man pages for bigRR
Generalized Ridge Regression (with special advantage for p >> n cases)

ArabidopsisArabidopsis thaliana data set from Atwell et al. 2010...
bigRRFitting big ridge regression
bigRR-packageGeneralized Ridge Regression (with special advantage for p >>...
bigRR_updateUpdating a bigRR fit to be a heteroscedastic effects model...
ChemometricsAn Ethanol data set with FTIR spectrum data
ethanolSee 'Chemometrics'
hugeRRFitting big ridge regression
hugeRR_updateUpdating a hugeRR fit to be a heteroscedastic effects model...
plot.bigRRPlot method for bigRR objects
print.bigRRPrint method for bigRR objects
ySee 'Arabidopsis'
ZSee 'Arabidopsis'
Z.FTIRSee 'Chemometrics'
bigRR documentation built on May 29, 2017, 9:29 p.m.