API for bigalgebra
'BLAS' and 'LAPACK' Routines for Native R Matrices and 'big.matrix' Objects

Global functions
%*%,big.matrix,big.matrix-method Man page
%*%,big.matrix,matrix-method Man page
%*%,matrix,big.matrix-method Man page
.onLoad Source code
.onUnload Source code
Arith,big.matrix,big.matrix-method Man page
Arith,big.matrix,matrix-method Man page
Arith,big.matrix,numeric-method Man page
Arith,matrix,big.matrix-method Man page
Arith,numeric,big.matrix-method Man page
anon_matrix Source code
bigalgebra Man page
bigalgebra-package Man page
bigdebug Source code
check_matrix Source code Source code
daxpy Man page Source code
dcopy Man page Source code
dgeev Man page Source code
dgemm Man page Source code
dgeqrf Man page Source code
dgesdd Man page Source code
dpotrf Man page Source code
dscal Man page Source code
finalize_anon_matrix Source code
is_transposed Source code Source code
bigalgebra documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:07 a.m.