Man pages for bigtime
Sparse Estimation of Large Time Series Models

bigtimebigtime: A package for obtaining sparse estimates of large...
create_rand_coef_matCreates a random coefficient matrix
diagnostics_plotCreates a Diagnostic Plot
diagnostics_plot.bigtime.VARdiagnostics_plot function for VAR models
diagnostics_plot.bigtime.VARMAdiagnostics_plot function for VARMA models
diagnostics_plot.bigtime.VARXdiagnostics_plot function for VARX models
directforecastFunction to obtain h-step ahead direct forecast based on...
dot-diagnostics_plotInternal function to plot the diagnostics plot
dot-get_ic_valsCalculates ICs
dot-recursiveforecastRecursively forecast a VAR
fitted.bigtime.VARGives the fitted values of a model estimated using...
fitted.bigtime.VARMAGives the fitted values of a model estimated using...
fitted.bigtime.VARXGives the fitted values of a model estimated using...
get_ic_valsCalculates the Information Criteria for a VAR, VARX, VARMA...
get_ic_vals.bigtime.VARCalculates the Information Criteria for a model estimated...
get_ic_vals.bigtime.VARXCalculates the Information Criteria for a model estimated...
ic_selectionSelects the optimal penalty parameter using information...
is.stableChecks whether a VAR is stable
lagmatrixCreates Lagmatrix of Estimated Coefficients
pipePipe operator
plot.bigtime.recursiveforecastPlots Recursive Forecasts
plot.bigtime.simVARPlots a simulated VAR
plot_cvPlot the Cross Validation Error Curve for a Sparse VAR or...
recursiveforecastRecursively Forecasts a VAR
reduce_cubeReduces the third dimension of a cube and returns a data...
residuals.bigtime.VARGives the residuals for VAR models estimated using...
residuals.bigtime.VARMAGives the residuals for VARMA models estimated using...
residuals.bigtime.VARXGives the residuals for VARX models estimated using...
simVARSimulates a VAR(p) with various sparsity patterns
sparseVARSparse Estimation of the Vector AutoRegressive (VAR) Model
sparseVARMASparse Estimation of the Vector AutoRegressive Moving Average...
sparseVARXSparse Estimation of the Vector AutoRegressive with Exogenous...
summary.bigtime.simVARGives a small summary of a VAR simulation
X.varxVARX Time Series Example ('varx.example')
Y.varVAR Time Series Example ('var.example')
Y.varmaVARMA Time Series Example ('varma.example')
Y.varxVARX Time Series Example ('varx.example')
bigtime documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 1:08 a.m.