Man pages for billboarder
Create Interactive Chart with the JavaScript 'Billboard' Library

avengersPower ratings for The Avengers.
baugeSimple Gauge
bauge-shinyShiny bindings for bauge
bb_add_styleAdd custom style for regions and grid lines
bb_areaArea property for a Billboard.js chart
bb_axisAdd axis parameters
bb_barBar property for a Billboard.js chart
bb_barchartHelper for creating a bar chart
bb_bar_color_manualManual color for barchart
bb_bubbleBubble property for a Billboard.js chart
bb_callbacksCallbacks for billboard charts
bb_categoriesSet categories on X axis
bb_colorColor property for a Billboard.js chart
bb_colors_manualSet colors for each datas
bb_dataAdd data to Billboard chart
bb_densityplotHelper for creating a density plot
bb_donutDonut property for a Billboard.js chart
bb_donutchartHelper for creating a donut chart
bb_exportExport a Billboard to PNG
bb_gaugeGauge property for a Billboard.js chart
bb_gaugechartHelper for creating a gauge
bb_gridGrid property for a Billboard.js chart
bb_histogramHelper for creating an histogram
bb_interactionInteraction property for a Billboard.js chart
bb_labsQuickly set title, axis labels and caption
bb_legendAdd legend parameters
bb_lineLine property for a Billboard.js chart
bb_linechartHelper for creating a line chart
bb_loadLoad data to the chart with proxy
bb_lollipopHelper for creating a lollipop chart
bb_piePie property for a Billboard.js chart
bb_piechartHelper for creating a pie chart
bb_pointPoint property for a Billboard.js chart
bb_proxy_axis_labelsUpdate axis labels with proxy
bb_proxy_data_colorsChange colors with proxy
bb_proxy_data_namesChange names of the data with proxy
bb_proxy_flowUpdate chart flow with proxy
bb_proxy_focusHighlights specified targets and fade out the others.
bb_proxy_groupsUpdate chart groups with proxy
bb_proxy_hideHide method with proxy
bb_proxy_legendShow or hide legend with proxy
bb_proxy_showShow method with proxy
bb_proxy_tooltipShow or hide tooltip with proxy
bb_proxy_transformUpdate chart type with proxy
bb_proxy_xsUpdate x values with proxy
bb_radarRadar property for a Billboard.js chart
bb_radarchartHelper for creating a radar chart
bb_regionsRegions property for a Billboard.js chart
bb_renderRender property for a Billboard.js chart
bb_scatterplotHelper for creating a scatter chart
bb_splineSpline property for a Billboard.js chart
bb_subchartSubchart property for a Billboard.js chart
bb_svgSVG property for a Billboard.js chart
bb_titleAdd title to Billboard.js chart
bb_tooltipTooltip property for a Billboard.js chart
bb_transitionTransition property for a Billboard.js chart
bb_treemapTreemap property for a Billboard.js chart
bb_treemapchartHelper for creating a treemap chart
bb_unloadUnload data to the chart with proxy
bb_zoomZoom property for a Billboard.js chart
billboard-aesMap variables on the chart
billboarderCreate a Billboard.js widget
billboarder-exportsbillboarder exported operators and S3 methods
billboarder-packageAn 'htmlwidget' interface to the billboard.js javascript...
billboarder-shinyShiny bindings for billboarder
billboard-themeSet theme and default colors for Billboard charts
cdc_prod_filiereFrench electricity generation by power source for the day of...
equilibre_mensuelMonthly supply / demand balance (january 2007 to june 2017)
prefixShortcut to add a prefix value to axis labels
prod_filiere_longFrench electricity generation by year and branch.
prod_par_filiereFrench electricity generation by year and branch.
proxy_exampleProxy use example
suffixShortcut to add a suffix value to axis labels
billboarder documentation built on Sept. 29, 2023, 5:07 p.m.