Man pages for binMto
Many-to-One Comparisons of Proportions

apprPowerApproximate power (any rejection!) for many-to-one comparison...
binMtoConfidence intervals for many-to-one comparisons of...
binMtoMethodsCI for difference of two proportions based on standard normal...
binMto.packageAsymptotic simultaneous confdence intervals for many-to-one...
ec.mtoExact conditional test for many-to-one comparisons of...
nbinMtoSample size iteration for many-to-one comparisons of...
plot.binMtoPlot confidence intervals calculated using binMto.
print.binMtoPrint function for objects of class "binMto"
simPowerSimulation of power for the methods in binmto
binMto documentation built on May 2, 2019, 10:55 a.m.