IQSS Beamer Class Demonstration

Beamer Features

Some of Gary's Examples

What's this course about?

How much math will you scare us with?

Systematic Components: Examples


Code blocks


# Say hello in R
hello <- function(name) paste("hello", name)
# Say hello in Python
def hello(name):
return("Hello" + " " + name)
-- Say hello in Haskell
hello name = "Hello" ++ " " ++ name
/* Say hello in C */
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
  char name[256];
  fgets(name, sizeof(name), stdin);
  printf("Hello %s", name);


### Alerts

- First level \alert{alert}
- Second level \alertb{alert}
- Third level \alertc{alert}
- Fourth level \alertd{alert}
- Fifth level \alerte{alert}

# More Features 

## Blocks

### Other Features

#### Levels of Structure

- Clean, extensively customizable visual style
- Hyperlinks ([](click here_) 
- No weird scaling prosper
    - slides are 96~mm~$\times$~128~mm
    - text is 10-12pt on slide
    - slide itself magnified with Adobe Reader/xpdf/gv to fill screen
- pgf graphics framework easy to use
- include external JPEG/PNG/PDF figures
- output directly to pdf: no PostScript hurdles
- detailed User Manual (with good presentation advice, too)

### Theorems and Proofs
\framesubtitle{The proof uses \textit{reductio ad absurdum}.}

#### Theorem
There is no largest prime number.

#### Proof
> - Suppose $p$ were the largest prime number.
> - Let $q$ be the product of the first $p$ numbers.
> - Then $q+1$ is not divisible by any of them.
> - But $q + 1$ is greater than $1$, thus divisible by some prime
    number not in the first $p$ numbers. \qedhere

### Blocks

#### Normal block
A \alert{set} consists of elements.

#### \alert{Alert block}

#### \alertc{Example block}
The set $\{1,2,3,5\}$ has four elements.

# RMarkdown Examples

### R Figure 

The following code generates the plot on the next slide (taken from
`help(bxp)` and modified slightly):

bx.p <- boxplot(split(rt(100, 4),
                      gl(5, 20)), plot=FALSE)
bxp(bx.p, notch = FALSE, boxfill = "lightblue",
    frame = FALSE, outl = TRUE,
    main = "Example from help(bxp)")

R Figure

bx.p <- boxplot(split(rt(100, 4),
                      gl(5, 20)), plot=FALSE)
bxp(bx.p, notch = FALSE, boxfill = "lightblue",
    frame = FALSE, outl = TRUE,
    main = "Example from help(bxp)")

R Table

A simple knitr::kable example:


knitr::kable(mtcars[1:5, 1:8],
             caption="(Parts of) the mtcars dataset")


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