Estimating B2B Q and Offsets"

  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.dim = c(6, 4)
library( binfunest)
set.seed( 31394)

Bit Error Rate Functions

The package include a number of functions that report the theoretical bit error rate (BER) of many common modulation formats, with the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) specified as the energy in a single bit divided by the noise power in a one Hertz bandwidth ($E_b/N_0$). See `help("Theoretical") for a complete list.

plot( QPSKdB, 3, 20, log="y", ylim=c( 1e-10, 0.5), panel.first = grid(),
      main="Modulation Performance Curves", xlab="SNR in dB",
curve(, 3, 20, col="blue", add=TRUE)
curve( PSQPSKdB, 3, 20, col="red", add=TRUE)
curve( QAMdB.16, 3, 20, col="green", add=TRUE)
legend( "bottomleft", legend=c( "QPSKdB", "", "PSQPSKdB",
        lty=c( 1, 1, 1, 1),
        col=c("black", "blue", "red", "green"))

Offset and a Back-to-Back SNR

In high performance communications systems it is common for both the transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx) to add noise to the signal. Unless you have a perfect example of one or the other, it is impossible to measure the source: both the Tx and Rx will contribute. This has the effect of having a minimum bit error rate (BER) even when no noise is added to the signal, called the Back-to-Back (B2B) BER, and is often expressed in Decibels as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) which would the B2B BER in a perfect Rx.

The other common effect is to add an offset to the SNR. That is, the system may always perform as though the SNR were a few Decibels less.

We can take a BER function in Decibels and add the offset and B2B BER to it as follows. The linear SNR is $\gamma = E_b/N_0$, but in the B2B case the input noise $N$ is zero, yet there is still a finite error rate observed. This is modeled as $\gamma = E_b/{(N_0+\beta)}$ where $\beta$ is $1/B2B$.

$$ P_{B2B}(\gamma) = P\left[ O\left( \frac{1}{1/\gamma + 1/B}\right)\right]$$

where $O$ is the linear offset (i.e., undB( offset)), $B$ is the linear B2B SNR, and $P_{B2B}(\gamma)$ is the probability of error at a linear SNR of $\gamma$.

Creating BER Functions with B2B & Offset

If we have a function $P_{dB}( s_{dB})$ of the SNR in Decibels, we can express the B2B and offset in decibels too.

$$ P_e( s_{dB}, B_{dB}, O_{dB}) = BER( -dB( undB( -s_{dB}) + undB( -B_{dB}) - O_{dB}) $$

The B2BQ package provides a function factory to convert any such function $P_{dB}$ into a function with B2B and Offset in Decibels B2BConvert.

QPSKdB.B2B <- B2BConvert( QPSKdB)
O1 <- 3
B1 <- 16
s <- 0:20
plot( s, y=QPSKdB( s), typ="l", log="y", ylim=c( 1e-10, 0.5), 
      panel.first = grid(), main="QPSK Performance Limits", xlab="SNR in dB",
lines( s, y=QPSKdB.B2B( s, Inf, O1), col="blue", lwd=2)
lines( s, y=QPSKdB.B2B( s, B1, O1), col='red')
lines( s, y=QPSKdB.B2B( rep( B1, length( s)), Inf, O1), col='black', lty=2)
legend( "bottomleft", legend=c( "Theory", "Offset", "Offset + B2B", "B2B"),
        lty=c( 1, 1, 1, 2), lwd=c(1, 2, 1, 1), 
        col=c( 'black', 'blue', 'red', 'black'))

Using nls

Let's generate some example data and use nls to fit the curve to the data.

N <- 1000000
(r <- rbinom( length( s), N, QPSKdB.B2B( s, B1, O1)))
bplot1 <- function( s, r, N, O, B, ylim=c( 1e-10, 0.5)) {
  plot( s, y=QPSKdB.B2B( s, B, O), col='red', log='y', type='l', ylim=ylim,
        main="QPSK Performance Limits", xlab="SNR in dB",
      ylab="BER", panel.first = grid())
  points( s, r/N)
  lines( s, y=QPSKdB( s))
  lines( s, y=QPSKdB.B2B( s, Inf, O), col="blue", lwd=2)
  lines( s, y=QPSKdB.B2B( rep( B1, length( s)), Inf, O1), col='black', lty=2)
  legend( "bottomleft",
        legend=c( "Data", "Theory", "Offset", "Offset + B2B", "B2B"),
        lty=c( NA, 1, 1, 1, 2), lwd=c(NA, 1, 2, 1, 1), pch=c( 1, NA, NA, NA, NA),
        col=c( 'black', 'black', 'blue', 'red', 'black'))
bplot1( s, r, N, O1, B1)

nls creates a non-linear least squares fit to estimate the parameters.

df1 <- data.frame( Errors=r, Trials=rep( N, length( s)), SNR=s)
nls.fit1 <- nls( Errors/Trials ~ QPSKdB.B2B( SNR, b, o), data=df1, 
                 start=list( b=10, o=0))
summary( nls.fit1)
bplot1(s, r, N, O1, B1)
c <- coef( nls.fit1)
lines( s, y=QPSKdB.B2B( s, c['b'], c['o']), col='green')

Those are remarkably close estimates. However, we have fit the error rate to the function, not the error counts. There are zeros in the data, and this doesn't match the function at high SNRs very well. The following will perform the fit without the zero points.

nls.fit2 <- nls( Errors/Trials ~  QPSKdB.B2B( SNR, b, o), 
                 data=subset( df1, Errors > 0), start=list( b=10, o=0))
summary( nls.fit2)
bplot1(s, r, N, O1, B1)
c <- coef( nls.fit2)
lines( s, y=QPSKdB.B2B( s, c['b'], c['o']), col='green')

That was unsatisfying; the answer is almost identical to the version including the zeros. Plotting the data on a linear scale indicates why.

 plot( s, y=QPSKdB.B2B( s, B1, O1), col='red', type='l', panel.first = grid(),
       main="QPSK Performance Limits", xlab="SNR in dB", ylab="BER")
  points( s, r/N, panel.first = grid())
  lines( s, y=QPSKdB( s))
  lines( s, y=QPSKdB.B2B( s, Inf, O1), col="blue", lwd=2)
  lines( s, y=QPSKdB.B2B( s, c['b'], c['o']), col='green')
  legend( "bottomleft",
        legend=c( "Data", "Theory", "3 dB Offset", "Offset + B2B", "Fit"),
        lty=c( NA, 1, 1, 1, 1), lwd=c(NA, 1, 2, 1, 1), pch=c( 1, NA, NA, NA, NA),
        col=c( 'black', 'black', 'blue', 'red', 'green'))

The error rate is so close to zero past 10 dB that a least squares error minimization is not affected by any fit errors. A better technique might be to fit the "Q" function of both sides of the equation. The Q function is Markum's Q function and is given by

$$ Q(s) = \frac{1}{2} \mathrm{Erfc} \left( s / \sqrt{2}\right) $$

In R, this is simply pnorm( x, lower.tail=FALSE), although the package provides the function Q_(x) for convenience. Since the Q function of zero is infinite, we have to exclude zero results again.

nls.fit3 <- nls( Q_( Errors/Trials) ~  Q_( QPSKdB.B2B( SNR, b, o)), 
                 data=subset( df1, Errors > 0), start=list( b=10, o=0))
summary( nls.fit3)
bplot1(s, r, N, O1, B1)
c <- coef( nls.fit3)
lines( s, y=QPSKdB.B2B( s, c['b'], c['o']), col='green')

Maximum Likelihood Estimation

In order to use all of the data, and to derive statistical significance from the estimates, we must turn to maximum likelihood estimate. This will model the parameters which based on the most likely parameters based on the observed data (including the zeros).

Log Likelihood of observations

The likelihood is the probability of that the specific observation took place. The dbinom function returns exactly this:

dbinom( r, N, QPSKdB.B2B( s, B1, O1), log=TRUE)

It is easy to see that the high-SNR observations (the last ones: the SNR ranges from zero to 20; the samples are numbered one to 21) have the highest likelihood. This is because when the SNR is high, zero errors is about the only likely event, while at a lower SNR, anything the the range of $N p \pm 2\sqrt{N p}$ is pretty likely (where $N$ is the number of samples, and $p$ is the probability of an error; still assuming $p << 1$ here), so each individual result when $ N p > 0$ has a small likelihood.

Using optim

If we have data consisting of bit errors generated by testing $N$ bits at a variety of SNRs we can use optim to find maximum likelihood estimates of the offset and B2B.

We have to cast the parameters as a vector to work with optim. The function llsb below creates the log-likelihood of the observations. optim will naturally find minimums, so the negative of the sum is used. Sorting the log likelihood before the sum will ensure that precision isn't lost, although such loss of precision is "unlikely."

llsb <- function( par) 
  -sum( sort( dbinom( r, N, QPSKdB.B2B( s, par[1], par[2]), log=TRUE),
mle1 <- optim( par=c( b2b=20, off=0), llsb, hessian=TRUE)
(mle1s <- sqrt( diag( solve( mle1$hessian))))

Those are pretty close estimates. The diagonal of the inverse of the Hessian matrix is an estimate of the variance of the parameters, so their square root is the standard deviation. The expression below will show how many standard deviations from the answers those estimates are.

c( (mle1$par["b2b"] - B1)/mle1s["b2b"], (mle1$par["off"] - O1)/mle1s["off"])

Below is a simple function that will take a function created by B2BConvert and estimate the two parameters. (A few extra parameters are added for possible later use.)

mlef <- function( N, s, r, f, ..., startpar=c( b2b=20, off=0),
                    method="Nelder-Mead", lower, upper, control) {
  stopifnot( length( N) == length( s) && length( s) == length( r))
  ll <- function( par) {
    -sum( dbinom( r, N, f( s, par[1], par[2], ...), log=TRUE))
  res <- optim( startpar, ll, hessian=TRUE)

mle2 <- mlef( rep( N, length( s)), s, r, QPSKdB.B2B)
sqrt( diag( solve( mle2$hessian)))

The output is in $par, the first being the B2B SNR, and the second being the offset. Note the names come from the startpar vector.

Here is a plot with the original data and the estimated line. Note the estimated line lies on top of the the "Offset + 15 dB B2B".

bplot1(s, r, N, O1, B1)
lines( s, QPSKdB.B2B( s, mle2$par[1], mle2$par[2]), col='green', lty=4)
legend( "bottomleft",
        legend=c( "Data", "Theory", "3 dB Offset", "Offset + 15dB B2B",
        lty=c( NA, 1, 1, 1, 4), pch=c( 1, NA, NA, NA, NA),
        col=c( 'black', 'black', 'blue', 'red', 'green'))

Using mle

The stats4::mle function can do a better job, and it does not need the parameters cast into a list.

require( stats4)
llsb2 <- function( b2b, off) 
   -sum( dbinom( r, N, QPSKdB.B2B( s, b2b, off), log=TRUE))
mle3 <- mle( llsb2, start=c( b2b=20, off=0), nobs=length(s))
summary( mle3)

Using stats4::mle provides other functions to work with the result as well:

logLik( mle3)
vcov( mle3)
plot(profile( mle3), absVal = FALSE)
confint( mle3)

Using the binfunest::mleB2B

The same result can be reached easier with this package's mleB2B function, which facilitates the data being hosted in a data frame or list:

df <- data.frame( Errors=r, SNR=s)
(est1 <- mleB2B( data=df, Errors="Errors", N=N, f=QPSKdB.B2B, 
                 fparms=list( x="SNR"), start=c(b2b=20, offset=0)))

Very High B2B Q

It is common for many simulated systems or lower data rate systems to reach almost theoretical performance, with an offset, but no, or almost no, detectable B2B. That is, the system can be run back-to-back indefinitely and no errors. In this case, estimating a B2B might corrupt a simple offset estimate. The following has no visible B2B Q.

O2 <- 3
B2 <- 24
N <- 1000000
(r2 <- rbinom( length( s), N, QPSKdB.B2B( s, B2, O2)))
mle4 <- mleB2B(  Errors=r2, N=N, f=QPSKdB.B2B,
                 fparms=list( x=s), start=c(b2b=20, offset=0))
mle4coef <- coef(mle4)
plot(  s, r2/N, log='y', panel.first = grid(), ylim=c(1e-14, 0.5))
lines( s, y=QPSKdB( s), col='black')
lines( s, y=QPSKdB.B2B( s, Inf, O1), col="blue", lwd=2)
lines( s, y=QPSKdB.B2B( s, B2, O2), col="red")
lines( s, y=QPSKdB.B2B( s, mle4coef[1],  mle4coef[2]), col="green")
legend( "bottomleft",
        legend=c( "Data", "Theory", "Offset", "Offset + B2B",  
        lty=c( NA, 1, 1, 1), lwd=c(NA, 1, 2, 1, 1), 
        col=c( 'black', 'black', 'blue', 'red', 'green'),
        pch=c( 1, NA, NA, NA, NA))

So the plot shows the data running down the Offset line, but it is quite unconvincing that the B2B estimate is correct. Typically the B2B parameter will have a very large variance in these instances (this does not), and multiple runs will demonstrate this. Ignoring our guilty knowledge of how the data was generated, we might want to test the hypothesis that the B2B Q is really infinite (this is not an impossibility). WE can estimate the offset only using the fixed option of mle or simply setting the B2B parameter. Note that when optimizing over a single variable, a few other changes are required.

(mle5 <- mleB2B( Errors=r2, N=N, f=QPSKdB.B2B, method="Brent", 
                 fparms=list( x=s, B2B=+Inf), start=c( offset=0), 
                 lower=-6, upper=10))
AIC(mle4, mle5)

The substantially lower AIC for mle4 indicates that mle5 is not a statistically better estimate. Again ignoring our guilty knowledge that the B2B Q is really 24 dB, we might now generate some more data. A 100 Gbps system that we are willing to test for an hour will generate r 100e9*3600 bits, and thus could be used to test a system with a B2B Q of no more than about 24 dB (resulting in a BER of r QPSKdB.B2B( 19, B2, O2), and a an expected value of r 100e9*3600*QPSKdB.B2B( 19, 24, 3) errors).

Adding Observations

The follow will simulate an additional run at 19 dB, and add that data to the current observations. We need to make a vector of the number of trials now as they are not all the same.

N2 <- 100e9*3600
Nvec <- c( rep(N, length(s)), N2)
s2 <- c(s, 19)
(r4 <- c( r2, rbinom( 1, N2, QPSKdB.B2B( 19, B2, O2))))
mle6 <- mleB2B(  Errors=r4, N=Nvec, f=QPSKdB.B2B,
                 fparms=list( x=s2), start=c(b2b=20, offset=0))
summary( mle6)
mle6coef <- coef(mle6)
plot(  s2, r4/Nvec, log='y', panel.first = grid(), ylim=c(1e-14, 0.5))
lines( s2, y=QPSKdB( s2), col='black')
lines( s2, y=QPSKdB.B2B( s2, Inf, O1), col="blue", lwd=2)
lines( s2, y=QPSKdB.B2B( s2, B2, O2), col="red")
lines( s2, y=QPSKdB.B2B( s2, mle6coef[1],  mle6coef[2]), col="green")
legend( "bottomleft",
        legend=c( "Data", "Theory", "Offset", "Offset + B2B",  
        lty=c( NA, 1, 1, 1), lwd=c(NA, 1, 2, 1, 1), 
        col=c( 'black', 'black', 'blue', 'red', 'green'),
        pch=c( 1, NA, NA, NA, NA))

Note that the B2B estimate increased a bit, and the std error decreased a bit. The example below will show the same process with an infinite B2B, showing that when it truly is infinite, the AIC of an infinite model is lower.

(r3 <- rbinom( length( s), N, QPSKdB( s - O2)))
mle7 <- mleB2B( N=N, Errors=r3, f=QPSKdB.B2B, fparms=list( x=s),
                start=c(b2b=20, offset=0))
mle8 <- mleB2B( N=N, Errors=r3, f=QPSKdB.B2B, fparms=list( x=s, B2B=+Inf),
                start=list(offset=0), method="Brent", lower=-6, upper=10)

exp( (AIC( mle7) - AIC( mle6)) / 2)

Generic Simplified Log Likelihood

While the above function worked, if you don't have substantial samples of the tail, the offset and B2B can get confused. Also, the form requires an infinite estimate for B2B if the system is performing more-or-less theoretically. We need a method that is numerically better behaved in more conditions. We can cast the BER in terms of the $Q$ function: $Q( s) = (1/2)\mathrm{Erfc}(s/\sqrt{2})$ where $\mathrm{Erfc( x)}$ is the complementary error function [^1]. Using this we can create a generic BER function as:

[^1]: see Abramowitz and Stegun 29.2.29

$$ BER( \gamma, a, b) = Q\left( \sqrt{ \frac{a \gamma} {1 + b \gamma}} \right) $$

where $a$ and $b$ are the linear versions of the offset and B2B and $\gamma$ is the linear SNR. We also note that R does not have the $\mathrm{Erfc}$, however, the following is true: Erfc( x) = 2 * pnorm( x * sqrt( 2), lower=FALSE), and the package includes the function Q_(x). With this formulation, we have the following conversions:

$$ \begin{aligned} Off_{dB} &= -dB( a) \

B2B_{dB} &= -dB( b) \ s_{dB} &= dB( \gamma) \end{aligned} $$

work with the Q_ function. In order to allow the parameters to be negative without getting a negative square root, the parameters are squared in the objective function. Since our data was created with $b = 0$ (i.e., the B2B Q is infinite) we want the gradient search to allow negative $a$ and $b$ without failing.

$$ BER_2( \gamma, \alpha, \beta) = Q\left( \sqrt{ \frac{\alpha^2 \gamma} {1 + \beta^2 \gamma}} \right) $$

The mleB2B function will estimate $\alpha$ and $\beta$, but we will want $a = \alpha^2$ and $b = \beta^2$.

Q_ab <- function( s, a, b) Q_( sqrt( a^2 * s/(1 + b^2 * s)))
mle8 <- mleB2B( N=N, Errors=r2, f=Q_ab, start=c( a=1, b=0), fparms=list(s=undB(s)))
summary( mle8)

The value of b with a comparatively large standard error is an indication that it really ought to be zero. Note that as its value is equivalent to r -2*dB( abs(coef(mle8)["b"])) dB B2BQ, .

mle8coef <- coef( mle8)
plot( s, y=r2/N, log='y', type='p', panel.first = grid())
lines( s, QPSKdB( s))
lines( s, Q_(sqrt( undB( s)/(1 + undB( -80) * s))), col='red')
lines( s, y=Q_ab( undB( s), mle8coef[1],  mle8coef[2]), col="green")
legend( "bottomleft",
        legend=c( "Data",  "Theory", "0 dB Offset + 80 dB B2B", 
        lty=c( NA, 1, 1, 1), col=c( 'black', 'black', 'red', 'green'),
        pch=c( 1, NA, NA, NA))

That generated very nice estimates. Note that the standard deviation of $b^2$ is about half of $b^2$, so it is reasonable to let $b = 0$.

Now let's try it with a detectable B2B.

O4 <- 3
B4 <- 15
(r4 <- rbinom( length( s), N, QPSKdB.B2B( s, B4, O4)))
mle9 <- mleB2B( N=N, Errors=r4, f=Q_ab, start=c( a=1, b=0), 
summary( mle9)
mle9coef <- coef( mle9)
(mle9sd <- sqrt( diag( vcov( mle9))))
plot( s, r4/N, log='y',panel.first = grid())
lines( s, QPSKdB( s))
lines( s, y=QPSKdB.B2B( s, Inf, O4), col="blue")
lines( s, y=QPSKdB.B2B( s, B4, O4), col="red")
lines( s, y=Q_ab( undB( s), mle9coef[1],  mle9coef[2]), col="green", lty=5)
legend( "bottomleft",
        legend=c( "Data", "Theory", "Theory + 3 dB", "3 dB Offset + 20 dB B2B",
        lty=c( NA, 1, 1, 1, 5), 
        col=c( 'black', 'black', 'blue', 'red', 'green'),
        pch=c( 1, NA, NA, NA, NA))

We can get the coefficients from the following expression:


Real Data

We have some simulations of various constellations and their bit maps used with perfect detectors (i.e., the constellation points were generated, noise was added, and then the points were detected; there was no actual modulation/demodulation). The BERDFc data included with the package has a count of symbols and bits per symbol, so we need to make this data vector.

Q8Sbits <- BERDFc[BERDFc$Name=="8QAM Star",] # Select one constellation
Q8Sbits$Nbits <- Q8Sbits$Bps * Q8Sbits$N # Add  a Nbits column <- B2BConvert( 
mle10 <- mleB2B( data=Q8Sbits, N="Nbits", Errors="BER", 
        , start=c( B2B=30, offset=0), 
                 fparms=list( x="SNR"))
summary( mle10)

This looks like the B2B may be finite, and this can be verified by such a fit.

mle11 <- mleB2B( data=Q8Sbits, N="Nbits", Errors="BER", 
        , method="Brent", 
                 fparms=list( x="SNR", B2B=+Inf), start=c( offset=0), 
                 lower=-6, upper=10)
summary( mle11)
AIC( mle10, mle11)

That result indicates that the B2B is actually needed. We can see what is happening here by looking at the data.


The 14 dB SNR observation has only one symbol error, but reports two bit errors. This is because the 8QAM Star constellation has a few adjacent symbols that have two bit changes, and that one error doubles the estimated error rate. Therefore, this estimator indicates that the BER is not binomial distributed.

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binfunest documentation built on Sept. 9, 2022, 9:07 a.m.