Bioclimatic report

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
options(tinytex.verbose = TRUE)

t = params$t
p = params$p
nam = params$nam
alt = params$alt
lat = params$lat
fc = params$fc

Exploratory analysis

r nam is located at latitude r lat. The mean monthly temperature is r round(mean(t), 1) ºC and total precipitation r round(sum(p), 1) mm.

clim <- t(data.frame(Month =, Temp. = t, Precip. = p))
kbl(clim, caption = 'Monthly climatic summary')
plotWL(t, p)

Water balance

bh <- watbal(t = t, p = p, lat = lat, CC = CC)
bh2 <- bh
names(bh2) <- c('T', 'P', 'PET', 'TEAW', 'PALW', 'ST',
                         'i_ST', 'RET', 'MD', 'ME', 'r', 'rP')
kbl(round(bh2, 2), caption = "Water balance")
inds <- t(data.frame(a = round(thermind(t = t),2), b = round(postemp(t = t),2)))
rownames(inds) <- c('Thermal Index', 'Positive Temperature Index')
kbl(inds, caption = 'Monthly climatic summary')

Bioclimatic balance

bb <- biobal(bh, CC)
bb2 <- bb
names(bb2) <- c('AIP', 'T', 'PET', 'RE', 'AW', 'S',
                     'CWA', 'T75', 'PBI', 'RBI', 'FBI', 'CBI')
k <- kbl(round(bb2, 2), caption = "Bioclimatic balance")
kable_styling(k, latex_options="scale_down")
intens <- bioint(bb)
k <- kbl(round(intens, 2), caption = "Bioclimatic intensities")
kable_styling(k, latex_options="scale_down")
PVH <- length(which((p-(0.2*bh$PET[1:12]))<0))
PVT <- length(which(t<7.5))
Tf <- min(t)
P <- sum(p)
tab <- data.frame(PVH = PVH,
                  PVT = PVT,
                  type = biotype(t=t, p=p, lat=lat, CC=CC, mode='sub'))
kbl(tab, caption = "Bioclimatic classification")

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bioclim documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 6:06 p.m.