Man pages for bioinactivation
Mathematical Modelling of (Dynamic) Microbial Inactivation

Arrhenius_isoIsothermal Arrhenius model
Bigelow_isoIsothermal Bigelow's Model
build_temperature_interpolatorContinuum Interpolation of Discrete Temperatures Values
check_model_paramsCorrectness Check of Model Parameters
dArrhenius_modelFirst derivative of the Arrhenius model
dBigelow_modelFirst Derivate of the Linear Bigelow Model
dGeeraerd_modelFirst Derivate of Geeraerd's Model
dMafart_modelFirst Derivate of the Weibull-Mafart Model
dMetselaar_modelFirst Derivate of the Metselaar Model
dPeleg_modelFirst Derivate of the Weibull-Peleg Model
dynamic_inactivationExample Dynamic Inactivation of a Microorganis
fit_dynamic_inactivationFitting of Dynamic Inactivation Models
fit_inactivation_MCMCFitting of dynamic inactivation with MCMC
fit_isothermal_inactivationFit of Isothermal Experiments
get_isothermal_model_dataIsothermal Model Data
get_model_dataMapping of Simulation Model Functions
get_prediction_costError of the Prediction of Microbial Inactivation
goodness_dynaGoodness of fit for Dynamic fits
goodness_isoGoodness of fit for Isothermal fits
goodness_MCMCGoodness of fit for MCMC fits
goodness_of_fitGoodness of fit for microbial inactivation models
is.FitInactivationTest of FitInactivation object
is.FitInactivationMCMCTest of FitInactivationMCMC object
is.IsoFitInactivationTest of IsoFitInactivation object
isothermal_inactivationExample Isothermal Inactivation of a Microorganis
is.PredInactivationMCMCTest of PredInactivationMCMC object
is.SimulInactivationTest of SimulInactivation object
laterosporus_dynaExample Dynamic Inactivation of a Laterosporus
laterosporus_isoExample Isothermal Inactivation of a Laterosporus
Metselaar_isoIsothermal Metselaar model
plot.FitInactivationPlot of FitInactivation Object
plot.FitInactivationMCMCPlot of FitInactivationMCMC Object
plot.IsoFitInactivationPlot of IsoFitInactivation Object
plot.PredInactivationMCMCPlot of PredInactivationMCMC Object
plot.SimulInactivationPlot of SimulInactivation Object
predict_inactivationPrediction of Dynamic Inactivation
predict_inactivation_MCMCDynamic Prediction Intervals from a Monte Carlo Adjustment
sample_dynaFitRandom sample of the parameters of a FitInactivation object
sample_IsoFitRandom sample of the parameters of a IsoFitInactivation...
sample_MCMCfitRandom sample of the parameters of a FitInactivationMCMC...
summary.FitInactivationSummary of a FitInactivation object
summary.FitInactivationMCMCSummary of a FitInactivationMCMC object
summary.IsoFitInactivationSummary of a IsoFitInactivation object
time_to_logreductionTime to reach X log reductions
WeibullMafart_isoIsothermal Weibull-Mafart Model
WeibullPeleg_isoIsothermal Weibull-Peleg Model
bioinactivation documentation built on Aug. 1, 2019, 5:05 p.m.