bizicount-package: bizicount: Copula-Based Bivariate Zero-Inflated Count...

bizicount-packageR Documentation

bizicount: Copula-Based Bivariate Zero-Inflated Count Regression Models


The package provides regression functions for copula-based bivariate count models based on the paper doi:10.18637/jss.v109.i01, with and without zero-inflation, as well as regression functions for univariate zero-inflated count models. Generic methods from the texreg-package and DHARMa are extended to support this package, namely for the purposes of producing professional tables and carrying out post-estimation diagnostics. A generic for He et al. (2019)'s test for zero-modification is provided, with methods for both bizicount and glm-class objects.

Bivariate Functions

  • bizicount – The primary function of this package. Carries out copula-based bivariate count regression via maximum likelihood using numerical optimization. Supports both zero-inflated and non-inflated distributions.

  • extract.bizicount – Method for the texreg package's extract generic. Creates a list of texreg objects, one for each margin, for use with that package's other functions.

  • make_DHARMa – Creates a list of DHARMa objects, one for each margin, for bizicount models. A wrapper around createDHARMa.

  • simulate.bizicount – Method that simulates observations using the fitted model's parameters, primarily for use with DHARMa.

  • zi_test – Method for testing for marginal zero-modification using the esimated parameters from the model. This test is preferable to the Vuong, Wald, Score, and LR tests. See He et al. (2019).

Univariate Functions

  • zic.reg – Univariate zero-inflated count regression models via maximum likelihood.

  • extract.zicreg – Method for the texreg package's extract generic. Creates a texreg object that interfaces with that package's methods.

  • simulate.zicreg – Method for simulating from the fitted model. Results are generally used for creating DHARMa objects.


  • zi_test – Method for testing for univariate zero-modification using the esimated parameters from the model. This test is preferable to the Vuong, Wald, Score, and LR tests. See He et al. (2019).


John Niehaus



bizicount documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:10 a.m.