Man pages for blapsr
Bayesian Inference with Laplace Approximations and P-Splines

adjustPDTest positive definiteness and adjust positive definite...
amlpsBayesian additive partial linear modeling with...
amlps.objectObject resulting from the fit of an additive partial linear...
coxlpsFit a Cox proportional hazards regression model with...
coxlps.baselineExtract estimated baseline quantities from a fit with coxlps.
coxlps.objectObject from a Cox proportional hazards fit with...
cubicbsConstruct a cubic B-spline basis.
curelpsPromotion time cure model with Laplace P-splines.
curelps.extractExtract estimates of survival functions and cure probability...
curelps.objectObject from a promotion time model fit with...
ecog1684Phase III Melanoma clinical trial.
gamlpsBayesian generalized additive modeling with...
gamlps.objectObject resulting from the fit of a generalized additive...
kidneytranSurvival data of kidney transplant patients.
laryngealSurvival data of male laryngeal cancer patients.
ltSpecification of covariates entering the long-term part in a...
medicaidData from the 1986 Medicaid Consumer Survey.
melanomaMelanoma survival data.
penaltyplotPlot the approximate posterior distribution of the penalty...
plot.amlpsPlot smooth functions of an additive model object.
plot.coxlpsPlot baseline hazard and survival curves from a coxlps...
plot.curelpsPlot estimated survival functions and cure probability for...
plot.gamlpsPlot smooth functions of a generalized additive model object.
print.amlpsPrint an additive partial linear model object.
print.coxlpsPrint a coxlps object.
print.curelpsPrint the fit of a promotion time cure model.
print.gamlpsPrint a generalized additive model object.
simcuredataSimulation of survival times for the promotion time cure...
simgamdataSimulation of data for (Generalized) additive models.
simsurvdataSimulation of right censored survival times for the Cox...
smSpecification of smooth terms in (g)amlps function.
snmatchFit a skew-normal distribution to a target density.
stSpecification of covariates entering the short-term part in a...
blapsr documentation built on Aug. 20, 2022, 5:05 p.m.