blin_mle: Estimate the BLIN model using maximum likelihood estimator

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also Examples

View source: R/blinfit.R


This function estimates the bipartite logitudinal influence network (BLIN) model Y_t = A^T ∑_{k=1}^{lag} Y_{t-k} + ∑_{k=1}^{lag} Y_{t-k} B + X_t β + τ E_t using maximum likelihood estimator.


blin_mle(Y, X = NULL, type = "full", lag = 1, rankA = NULL,
  rankB = rankA, maxit = 1000, tol = 1e-08, init = "I",
  sigma_init = 1, verbose = FALSE, calcses = FALSE, randseed = NA)



Response 3-mode array.


Optional 4-mode array of covariates, defaults to no covariates.


Optional string specifying BLIN model type: full, reduced_rank, or sparse. Defaults to full.


Optional numeric specifying autoregressive lag in model, defaults to 1.


Optional numeric rank of influence network matrix A for reduced rank model type, defaults to full rank.


Optional numeric rank of influence network matrix B, defaults to rank of A.


Optional numeric maximum number of iterations for full and reduced rank block coordinate descents, defaults to 1e3.


Optional numeric convergence tolerance for full and reduced rank block coordinate descents, defaults to 1e-8.


Optional string specifying initialization type for full and reduced rank block coordinate descents, defaults to "I", identity for A and B. Also allows "random" for random initialization of A and B.


Optional numeric standard deviation for random initialization of A and B in full and reduced rank block coordinate descents, defaults to 1.


Optional logical specifying whether progress should be printed out (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Defaults to FALSE.


Optional logical specifying whether standard errors should be calculated (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Defaults to FALSE. Only standard errors for the full BLIN model are implemented.


Optional numeric specifying seed for random ininitialization of A and B in full and reduced rank block coordinate descents, defaults to NA (no seed set).


This function estimates the continuous BLIN model,

Y_t = A^T Y_{t-1} + Y_{t-1} B + X_t β + τ E_t

, where \{ Y_t\}_t is a set of S \times L matrices representing the bipartite relation data at each observation t. The set \{X_t \}_t is a set of S \times L \times p arrays describing the influence of the coefficient vector beta. Finally, each matrix E_t is assumed to consist of iid standard normal random variables. The matrices A and B are square matrices respesenting the influence networks among S senders and L receivers, respectively.

This function estimates the BLIN model using maximum likelihood (and related) methods. The "full" model places no restrications on the influence networks A and B, and estimates these matrices (along with β) by block coordinate descent. In addition, if calcses==TRUE, the standard errors for each coefficient will be estimated. Note that the standard error procedure may require large amounts of memory to build the BLIN design matrix; a warning is produced if the estimated size of the desgn is greater than 0.5GB.

The "reduced rank" BLIN model assumes that the matrix A has decomposition A = UV^T, where each of U and V is an S \times \code{rankA} matrix, and the matrix B has decomposition B = WZ^T, where each of W and Z is an L \times \code{rankB} matrix. This model is also estimated using block coordinate descent.

Finally, the "sparse" BLIN model assumes that A and B matrices have many entries that are small or zero. The cv.glmnet(.) function from the glmnet package is used to estimate the entries in A, B, and beta. The object resuling from cv.glmnet(.) is returned in this case.

Notice that the diagonals of A and B are not identifiable. However, the sum of each diagonal entry in A and B, i.e. a_{ii} + b_{jj}, is identifiable. Thus, the diagonal sums are broken out as separate estimates under the name diagAB.

If calcses = TRUE and type = full, then standard errors will be returned. These standard errors are based on the assumption that each E_t consists of iid standard normal random variables. In this case, the full design matrix is built, which we call W here. Then, the variance-covariance matrix of the estimated coefficients is formed by \hat{τ}^2 (W^T W)^{-1}, where \hat{τ}^2 is the usual unbiased estimator of the error variance.



A blin object containing summary information.

See Also

generate_blin build_design


S <- 5
L <- 4
tmax <- 10
data <- generate_blin(S,L,tmax, lag=2, sparse=.8, seed=1)

fit <- blin_mle(data$Y, data$X, lag=2, calcses=TRUE)

blin documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:05 a.m.