API for blockForest
Block Forests: Random Forests for Blocks of Clinical and Omics Covariate Data

Global functions
blockForest Man page Source code
blockfor Man page Source code
calibrateEB Source code
gbayes Source code
getTerminalNodeIDs Source code
gfit Source code
importance Source code
importance.blockForest Source code
importance_pvalues Source code
integer.to.factor Source code
numSmaller Source code
oob_error Source code
parse.formula Source code
predict.blockForest Man page Source code
predict.blockForest.forest Source code
predictions Man page Source code
predictions.blockForest Man page Source code
predictions.blockForest.prediction Man page Source code
print.blockForest Source code
print.blockForest.forest Source code
print.blockForest.prediction Source code
rInfJack Source code
rangerCpp Source code
save.sample Source code
str.blockForest Source code
str.blockForest.forest Source code
timepoints Man page Source code
timepoints.blockForest Man page Source code
timepoints.blockForest.prediction Man page Source code
treeInfo Man page Source code
which.max.random Source code
which.min.random Source code
blockForest documentation built on April 3, 2023, 5:49 p.m.