Man pages for boral
Bayesian Ordination and Regression AnaLysis

about.distributionsDistributions available in boral
about.lvsCorrelation structure for latent variables
about.ranefsIncluding response-specific random intercepts in boral
about.ssvsStochastic search variable selection (SSVS) in boral
about.traitsIncluding species traits in boral
boralFitting boral (Bayesian Ordination and Regression AnaLysis)...
boral-packageBayesian Ordination and Regression AnaLysis (boral)
calc.condlogLikConditional log-likelihood for a fitted model
calc.logLik.lv0Log-likelihood for a model fitted with no latent variables
calc.marglogLikMarginal log-likelihood for a fitted model
calc.varpartVariance partitioning for a latent variable model
coefsplotCaterpillar plots of the regression coefficients from a...\Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{lifecycle::badge("stable")}...
ds.residualsDunn-Smyth Residuals for a fitted model
fitted.boralExtract Model Fitted Values for an boral object
get.dicExtract Deviance Information Criterion for a fitted model
get.enviro.corExtract covariances and correlations due to shared...
get.hpdintervalsHighest posterior density intervals for a fitted model
get.mcmcsamplesExtract MCMC samples from models
get.measuresInformation Criteria for models
get.more.measuresAdditional Information Criteria for models
get.residual.corExtract residual correlations and precisions from models
lvsplotPlot the latent variables from a fitted model
make.jagsboralmodelWrite a text file containing a model for use into JAGS
make.jagsboralnullmodelWrite a text file containing a model for use into JAGS
plot.boralPlots of a fitted boral object
predict.boralPredict using a model
ranefsplotCaterpillar plots of response-specific random effects from a...
summary.boralSummary of fitted boral object
tidyboralReformats output from a boral fit
boral documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:30 p.m.