Man pages for bossMaps
Convert Binary Species Range Maps into Continuous Surfaces Based on Distance to Range Edge

asinh_transCreate an axis transform using the Inverse hyperbolic sine...
Beamys_hindei_pointsPoint distributional data for the Beamys hindei
Beamys_hindei_rangeExpert range data for Beamys_hindei
checkRatesEvaluate whether potential curve parameters are feasible...
compressCompress maxent output by converting from ASCII file to...
cumulativeMake maxent's cumulative output from raw output and...
fbbiFactor Bias Back In (FBBI)
hcolsAesthetically pleasing color ramp for plotting habitat...
Leucadendron_lanigerum_rangeExpert range data for Leucadendron lanigerum
logisticApply a custom logisitic transform to a vector
normalizeNormalize a raster
optifixoptifix. Optimise with some fixed parameters
pinsideCalculate the probability inside an expert range given a...
rangeDistUse Calcuate distance to range edge
rangeDist_grassUse GRASS to calcuate distance to range edge
rangeOffsetGenerate a spatial map of an expert map (with decay) to be...
rmRasterReally remove raster files
Tinamus_solitarius_envExpert range environmental data for the Solitary Tinamou...
Tinamus_solitarius_pointsPoint distributional data for the Solitary Tinamou (Tinamus...
Tinamus_solitarius_rangeExpert range data for the Solitary Tinamou (Tinamus...
treeGraphically display folder tree in terminal
bossMaps documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:57 p.m.