
#'The geometry of human knowledge of navigation space.
#'A dataset from a study by Warren et.al. (2017) on the geometry of human
#'knowledge of navigation space.
#'In their study Warren et.al. (2017) conduct an experiment in which a total of
#'20 participants used virtual reality headsets to navigate through one of two
#'versions of a virtual maze. One version of the maze is the standard or
#'Euclidean maze. The other version of the maze, the non-Euclidean maze, has
#'exactly the same layout as the standard maze apart from that it contains
#'wormholes by which participants can be 'teleported' from one place in the maze
#'to another.
#'In a training phase participants had learned to navigate between different
#'pairs of start and target objects in one of two versions of the maze. The
#'number of trials each participants completed in this training phase was
#'In the test phase of the experiment participants first walked to a start
#'object. When they had reached this object the maze disappeared and only a
#'"textured groundplane" of the maze remained visible. The participants then
#'turned toward the location of the target object that they had remembered
#'during the training phase and started to walk toward the target. The angular
#'difference, angular error, between the initial walking direction of a
#'participant from the start object and the location of the target object was
#'recorded as an outcome variable in the experiment.The angular error is a
#'circular variable and can be described and analyzed using circular statistics.
#'Apart from the between-subjects factor, the type of maze, the experiment also
#'included a within-subjects factor, trial number. All participants had to
#'complete 8 trials in the test phase of the experiment. In each of these trials
#'they had to walk to a specific target object. An additional within-subjects
#'factor is the type of target object. Pairs of start and target objects were of
#'two types: probe and standard. The probe objects were located near the
#'entrance and exit of a wormhole whereas the standard objects were located at
#'some distance from the wormholes. For each of these two types of objects
#'participants had to find 4 different targets resulting in a total of 8 trials
#'per participant.
#'@format A data frame with 160 rows and 8 variables: \describe{
#'  \item{Subject}{a numeric variable indicating the participant number}
#'  \item{Trial.no}{a numeric variable indicating the trial number of the target
#'  a participant had to locate (1-8)} \item{Maze}{a between subjects factor
#'  variable indicating the type of maze a participant was in (0 = Euclidean, 1
#'  = non-Euclidean)} \item{Trial.type}{a within subjects factor indicating the
#'  type of target (0 = standard, 1 = probe)} \item{Error}{a numeric variable
#'  containing the angular error in degrees} \item{Learn}{a numeric variable
#'  indicating the number of trials a participant completed in the training
#'  phase} \item{L.c}{mean centered Learning} \item{Error.rad}{a numeric
#'  variable containing the angular error in radians} }
#'@source  \doi{10.1016/j.cognition.2017.05.020}

#' Phase differences in hand flexion-extension movements.
#' A dataset from a study by Puglisi et.al. (2017) on the role of attention in
#' human motor resonance.
#' In their research Puglisi et.al. (2017) conduct a between subjects experiment
#' in which `observers' in multiple degrees of explicitness are asked to look at
#' the movement of a hand of the `mover' or other object in order to evaluate
#' the role of attention in motor resonant response.
#' The experiment has four conditions:
#' 1. The `explicit observation' condition (n = 14), where observers are
#' explicitly instructed to observe the hand.
#' 2. The `semi-implicit observation' condition (n = 14) where the observers
#' have to do a task that requires implicit observation of the hand.
#' 3. The `implicit observation' condition (n = 14), where observers have to do
#' a task that is independent of the observation of the hand that is moving in
#' front of them.
#' 4. A baseline condition (n=14) where there is no moving hand but observers
#' have to look at an inanimate object that moves in an identical manner to the
#' hand.
#' The idea of motor resonance is then that the `observer', because they are
#' looking explicitly or implicitly at the hand of the `mover', starts moving
#' his or her hand in the same manner. This is the resonant response. In each
#' condition the hand movements of the observers were measured and the phase
#' difference between the observers' hand and the hand they observed (the
#' movers' hand) was calculated. This was not done for the baseline condition
#' because in this condition there was no periodic pattern of movement in the
#' `observers' hand.
#' The phase difference is a circular variable and can be described and analyzed
#' using circular statistics.
#' @format A data frame with 42 rows and 4 variables: \describe{ \item{Cond}{a
#'   factor variable indicating the condition a participant was placed in; 1 =
#'   'explicit', 2 = 'semi.implicit' or 3 = 'implicit'} \item{PhaseDiff}{a
#'   numeric variable the phase difference between 'observer' and 'mover' in
#'   degrees} \item{AvAmp}{a numeric variable indicating the average amplitude
#'   of the hand movement of the 'observer'} \item{Phaserad}{a numeric variable
#'   the phase difference between 'observer' and 'mover' in radians} }
#' @source  \doi{10.1371/journal.pone.0177457}

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