RUN: Run BASIC Programs

View source: R/brassica_main.R

RUNR Documentation

Run BASIC Programs


Loads and runs BASIC programs.


RUN(program = NULL, ttx = 0, tty = 0, up = FALSE)



A character string, containing the name or file path of a BASIC program. Omitting this re-runs the currently-loaded program.


Aesthetic teletype option. A delay, of not more than 200 milliseconds, to be applied after printing each character. In practice, the actual delay will be this time plus however long it takes to flush the console, plus interpreter overheads. Depending on the model, a real teletype could manage around ten characters per second. Making this negative imposes no delay, but flushes the console after each completed line (not after each character).


Aesthetic teletype option. A delay, of not more than 2000 milliseconds, to be applied after each line of printing. Making this negative imposes no delay, but still flushes the console after each completed line.


Aesthetic teletype option. Making this TRUE forces all BASIC output to upper case.


List of bundled example programs (from the references):

Animal by Arthur Luehrmann (decision trees)
Camel by the Heath Users Group (random walk)
Chase by Mac Oglesby (robots)
Eliza by Jeff Shrager (language processing)
Even Wins by Eric Peters (machine learning)
Flip by John S. James (machine learning)
Four in a Row by James L. Murphy (artificial intelligence)
Guess-It by Gerard Kierman (bluffing)
Hammurabi by David H. Ahl (resource management)
Hexapawn by R. A. Kaapke (machine learning)
Inkblot by Scott Costello (projection)
Life by Clark Baker (cellular automata)
Maze by Richard Schaal (depth-first search)
Not One by Robert Puopolo (expectation values)
Sea Battle by Vincent Erickson (monsters)
Super Star Trek by Richard Leedon (vector space)
Wumpus by Gregory Yob (graph topology)

All of these are in the public domain.


Returns an invisible NULL, after printing to standard output.


Many BASIC programs ask for user input after printing a custom prompt. When ttx is greater than zero, some R sessions may incorrectly position the cursor at the beginning of the line, or on the next. Neither occurrence is fatal. Known to be affected: Windows R terminal (‘R’ and ‘Rterm’, but the ‘Rgui’ console is fine), Mac R console (but the Bash terminal is fine), RStudio. Additionally, double buffering, or the like, may interfere with the effect at higher speeds (Mac R console, again).


  1. David H. Ahl & Steve North, BASIC Computer Games (1978)

  2. David H. Ahl & Steve North, More BASIC Computer Games (1979)

See Also



## Not run: 
# Load and run 'Wumpus'.

# Load and run 'Chase', flushing the
# console after every line of output.
RUN("chase", -1)

# Load and run 'Camel', with full
# retro-style teletypewriter effects.
RUN("camel", 20, 300, TRUE)

# Load and run your program.

# Re-run the last program
# (without re-loading it).

## End(Not run)

brassica documentation built on Oct. 24, 2022, 9:07 a.m.