Man pages for bspmma
Bayesian Semiparametric Models for Meta-Analysis

bf1Generate Chains for Computation of Bayes Factors
bf2Compute Constants for Multi-Chain Algorithm to Compute Bayes...
bf.cCompute Bayes Factors for Comparing Values of the Dirichlet...
bf.c.oCompute Bayes Factors for Conditional vs. Ordinary Dirichlet...
bf.oCompute Bayes Factors for Comparing Values of the Dirichlet...
breast.17Aspirin and Breast Cancer: 17 studies
bspmma-packagebspmma: Bayesian Semiparametric Models for Meta-Analysis
caprie.3grpsCAPRIE Study: Three Risk Groups
ddtm.sDecontamination of the Digestive Tract Mortality, Short...
describe.postBrief summary statistics of the posterior for convenient...
dirichlet.cMixture of Conditional Dirichlet Model
dirichlet.oMixture of Ordinary Dirichlet Model
draw.bfPlot Function for Bayes Factors
draw.postOverlapping Plots of Posterior Distributions for Several...
print.dir.condprinting method for objects of class dir.cond
print.dir.ordprinting method for objects of class dir.ord
bspmma documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:50 a.m.