Man pages for bsub
Submitter and Monitor of the 'LSF Cluster'

bconfPrint current configuation
bjobsSummary of jobs
bjobs_barplotBarplot of number of jobs
bjobs_doneFinished jobs
bjobs_exitFailed jobs
bjobs_pendingPending jobs
bjobs_runningRunning jobs
bjobs_timelineTimeline of jobs
bkillKill jobs
brecentRecent jobs from all status
bsub_chunkSubmit R code
bsub_cmdSubmit shell commands
bsub_optParameters for bsub
bsub_scriptSubmit R script
check_dump_filesCheck whether there are dump files
clear_temp_dirClear temporary dir
get_dependencyGet the dependency of current jobs
is_job_finishedTest whether the jobs are finished
job_logLog for the running/finished/failed job
job_status_by_idJob status by id
job_status_by_nameJob status by name
monitorA browser-based interactive job monitor
plot_dependencyPlot the job dependency tree
print.bconfPrint the configurations
print.bjobsSummary of jobs
random_jobSubmit a random job
retrieve_varRetrieve saved variable
run_cmdRun command on submission node
ssh_connectConnect to submisstion via ssh
ssh_disconnectDisconnect ssh connection
wait_jobsWait until all jobs are finished
bsub documentation built on July 1, 2021, 5:07 p.m.