Man pages for btergm
Temporal Exponential Random Graph Models by Bootstrapped Pseudolikelihood

adjustAdjust the dimensions of a source object to the dimensions of...
alliancesLongitudinal international defense alliance network,...
btergmEstimate a TERGM by MPLE with temporal bootstrapping
btergm-classAn S4 class to represent a fitted TERGM by bootstrapped MPLE
btergm-packageTemporal Exponential Random Graph Models by Bootstrapped...
checkdegeneracyCheck for degeneracy in fitted TERGMs
chemnetGerman Toxic Chemicals Policy Network in the 1980s (Volker...
coauthorSwiss political science co-authorship network 2013
createBtergmConstructor for btergm objects
createMtergmConstructor for mtergm objects
createTbergmConstructor for tbergm objects
edgeprobCreate all predicted tie probabilities using MPLE
getformulaExtract the formula from a model
gofGoodness-of-fit diagnostics for ERGMs, TERGMs, SAOMs, and...
gof-plotPlot and print methods for GOF output
gof-statisticsStatistics for goodness-of-fit assessment of network models
handleMissingsHandle missing data in matrices
interpretMicro-Level Interpretation of (T)ERGMs
knechtLongitudinal classroom friendship network and behavior...
marginalplotPlot marginal effects for two-way interactions in (T)ERGMs
mtergmEstimate a TERGM by MCMC-MLE
mtergm-classAn S4 Class to represent a fitted TERGM by MCMC-MLE
simulate.btergmSimulate Networks from a 'btergm' Object
tbergmEstimate a TERGM using Bayesian estimation
tbergm-classAn S4 class to represent a fitted TERGM using Bayesian...
tergmpreparePrepare data structure for TERGM estimation, including...
tergm-termsTemporal dependencies for TERGMs
btergm documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:09 p.m.