
Defines functions gt_as_dt filter_stop_times_by_hour

Documented in filter_stop_times_by_hour gt_as_dt

#' Get a dataframe with lubridate dates for the gtfs stop_times_df 
#' @param stop_times_df a gtfsr$stop_times_df dataframe
#' @return an dataframe with arrival and departure time set to lubridate types
#' @keywords internal
gt_as_dt <- function(stop_times_df) {
  stop_times_dt <- stop_times_df %>% 
      departure_time = lubridate::hms(.data$departure_time, quiet = TRUE),
      arrival_time = lubridate::hms(.data$arrival_time, quiet = TRUE)

#' Filter stop times by hour of the day
#' @param stop_times_df a gtfsr$stop_times_df dataframe with lubridate arrival_time and departure_time
#' @return dataframe with only stop times within the hours specified, with time columns as lubridate periods
#' @keywords internal
filter_stop_times_by_hour <- function(stop_times, 
                                      end_hour) {
  stop_times_dt <- gt_as_dt(stop_times)
  stop_times <- stop_times[lubridate::hour(stop_times_dt$arrival_time) > start_hour &
                     lubridate::hour(stop_times_dt$departure_time) < end_hour,]

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bustt documentation built on July 6, 2018, 1:01 a.m.