
context("Frequencies are calculates correctly")

test_that("Stop frequencies (headways) for included data are as expected", {
  stop_frequency_summary <- stop_frequency(gtfs_obj, by_route=FALSE)
  fifteenth_st_at_hillsborough_rd <- stop_frequency_summary[stop_frequency_summary$stop_id==778123,]$headway
  expect_equal(as.integer(7.8688), as.integer(fifteenth_st_at_hillsborough_rd))

test_that("Route frequencies (headways) for included data are as expected", {
  rf <- route_frequency(gtfs_obj)
  expect_equal(rf[rf$route_id==1679,]$median_headways, 26)

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bustt documentation built on July 6, 2018, 1:01 a.m.