bwimage-package: Describe Image Patterns in Natural Structures

Description Details Author(s) References Examples


A computational tool to describe patterns in black and white images from natural structures. 'bwimage' implemented functions for exceptionally broad subject. For instance, 'bwimage' provide examples that range from calculation of canopy openness, description of patterns in vertical vegetation structure, to patterns in bird nest structure.


The DESCRIPTION file: This package was not yet installed at build time.

Index: This package was not yet installed at build time.
A computational tool to describe patterns in black and white images from natural structures.


Carlos Biagolini-Jr.

Maintainer: Carlos Biagolini-Jr.<>


Biagolini-Jr C, Macedo RH (2019) bwimage: A package to describe image patterns in natural structures. F1000Research 8 Lambers M (2016) Mappings between sphere, disc, and square. Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques Vol 5:1-21 Nobis M, Hunziker U (2005) Automatic thresholding for hemispherical canopy-photographs based on edge detection. Agricultural and forest meteorology 128:243-250 Shirley P, Chiu K (1997) A low distortion map between disk and square. Journal of graphics tools 2:45-52 Zehm A, Nobis M, Schwabe A (2003) Multiparameter analysis of vertical vegetation structure based on digital image processing. Flora-Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 198:142-160


bush<-system.file("extdata/bush.JPG", package ="bwimage")
bush_imagematrix<-threshold_color(bush, "jpeg", "proportional",compress_rate = 0.1)

bwimage documentation built on April 23, 2020, 1:06 a.m.