Man pages for cNORM
Continuous Norming

bestModelDetermine Regression Model
betaCoefficientsCompute Parameters of a Beta Binomial Distribution
buildCnormObjectBuild cnorm object from data and bestModel model object
buildFunctionBuild regression function for bestModel
calcPolyInLInternal function for retrieving regression function...
calcPolyInLBaseInternal function for retrieving regression function...
calcPolyInLBase2Internal function for retrieving regression function...
CDCBMI growth curves from age 2 to 25
checkConsistencyCheck the consistency of the norm data model
check_monotonicityCheck Monotonicity of Predicted Values
checkWeightsCheck, if NA or values <= 0 occur and issue warning
cNORMContinuous Norming
cnorm.betabinomialFit a beta-binomial regression model for continuous norming
cnorm.betabinomial1Fit a beta binomial regression model
cnorm.betabinomial2Fit a beta-binomial regression model for continuous norming
cnorm.cvCross-validation for Term Selection in cNORM
cNORM.GUILauncher for the graphical user interface of cNORM
compareCompare Two Norm Models Visually
computePowersCompute powers of the explanatory variable a as well as of...
computeWeightsWeighting of cases through iterative proportional fitting...
derivationTableCreate a table based on first order derivative of the...
deriveDerivative of regression model
diagnostics.betabinomialDiagnostic Information for Beta-Binomial Model
elfeSentence completion test from ELFE 1-6
getGroupsDetermine groups and group means
getNormCurveComputes the curve for a specific T value
getNormScoreSECalculates the standard error (SE) or root mean square error...
log_likelihoodCalculate the negative log-likelihood for a beta binomial...
log_likelihood2Calculate the negative log-likelihood for a beta-binomial...
modelSummaryPrints the results and regression function of a cnorm model
normTableCreate a norm table based on model for specific age
normTable.betabinomialCalculate Cumulative Probabilities, Density, Percentiles, and...
plot.cnormS3 function for plotting cnorm objects
plotCnormGeneral convenience plotting function
plot.cnormBetaBinomialPlot cnormBetaBinomial Model with Data and Percentile Lines
plot.cnormBetaBinomial2Plot cnormBetaBinomial Model with Data and Percentile Lines
plotDensityPlot the density function per group by raw score
plotDerivativePlot first order derivative of regression model
plotNormPlot manifest and fitted norm scores
plotNormCurvesPlot norm curves
plotPercentilesPlot norm curves against actual percentiles
plotPercentileSeriesGenerates a series of plots with number curves by percentile...
plotRawPlot manifest and fitted raw scores
plotSubsetEvaluate information criteria for regression model
ppvtVocabulary development from 2.5 to 17
predict.cnormBetaBinomialPredict Norm Scores from Raw Scores
predict.cnormBetaBinomial2Predict Norm Scores from Raw Scores
predictCoefficientsPredict mean and standard deviation for a beta binomial...
predictCoefficients2Predict alpha and beta parameters for a beta-binomial...
predictNormRetrieve norm value for raw score at a specific age
predictRawPredict raw values
prepareDataPrepare data for modeling in one step (convenience method)
prettyPrintFormat raw and norm tables The function takes a raw or norm...
print.cnormS3 method for printing model selection information
printSubsetPrint Model Selection Information
rangeCheckCheck for horizontal and vertical extrapolation
rankByGroupDetermine the norm scores of the participants in each...
rankBySlidingWindowDetermine the norm scores of the participants by sliding...
rawTableCreate a table with norm scores assigned to raw scores for a...
regressionFunctionRegression function
simMeanSimulate mean per age
simSDSimulate sd per age
simulateRaschSimulate raw test scores based on Rasch model
standardizeStandardize a numeric vector
standardizeRakingWeightsFunction for standardizing raking weights Raking weights get...
subsample_lmK-fold Resampled Coefficient Estimation for Linear Regression
summary.cnormS3 method for printing the results and regression function of...
summary.cnormBetaBinomialSummarize a Beta-Binomial Continuous Norming Model
summary.cnormBetaBinomial2Summarize a Beta-Binomial Continuous Norming Model
taylorSwiftSwiftly compute Taylor regression models for distribution...
weighted.quantileWeighted quantile estimator
weighted.quantile.harrell.davisWeighted Harrell-Davis quantile estimator
weighted.quantile.inflationWeighted quantile estimator through case inflation
weighted.quantile.type7Weighted type7 quantile estimator
weighted.rankWeighted rank estimation
cNORM documentation built on Nov. 4, 2024, 5:07 p.m.