summary.cnormBetaBinomial: Summarize a Beta-Binomial Continuous Norming Model

View source: R/betaBinomial.R

summary.cnormBetaBinomialR Documentation

Summarize a Beta-Binomial Continuous Norming Model


This function provides a summary of a fitted beta-binomial continuous norming model, including model fit statistics, convergence information, and parameter estimates.


## S3 method for class 'cnormBetaBinomial'
summary(object, ...)



An object of class "cnormBetaBinomial" or "cnormBetaBinomial2", typically the result of a call to cnorm.betabinomial.


Additional arguments passed to the summary method:

  • age An optional numeric vector of age values corresponding to the raw scores. If provided along with raw, additional fit statistics (R-squared, RMSE, bias) will be calculated.

  • score An optional numeric vector of raw scores. Must be provided if age is given.

  • weights An optional numeric vector of weights for each observation.


The summary includes:

  • Basic model information (type, number of observations, number of parameters)

  • Model fit statistics (log-likelihood, AIC, BIC)

  • R-squared, RMSE, and bias (if age and raw scores are provided) in comparison to manifest norm scores

  • Convergence information

  • Parameter estimates with standard errors, z-values, and p-values


Invisibly returns a list containing detailed diagnostic information about the model. The function primarily produces printed output summarizing the model.

See Also

cnorm.betabinomial, diagnostics.betabinomial


## Not run: 
model <- cnorm.betabinomial(ppvt$age, ppvt$raw, n = 228)

# Including R-squared, RMSE, and bias in the summary:
summary(model, age = ppvt$age, score = ppvt$raw)

## End(Not run)

cNORM documentation built on Nov. 4, 2024, 5:07 p.m.