Man pages for caRamel
Automatic Calibration by Evolutionary Multi Objective Algorithm

boxesBox numbering for each points individual of the population
caRamelMAIN FUNCTION: multi-objective optimizer
caRamel-packagecaRamel optimizer
CextrapExtrapolation along orthogonal directions to the Pareto front...
CinterpInterpolation in simplexes of the objective space
CrecombinationRecombination of the sets of parameters
CusecovarNew parameter vectors generation respecting a covariance...
decrease_popDecreasing of the population of parameters sets
DimproveDetermination of directions for improvement
dominateSuccessive Pareto fronts of a population
dominatedRows domination of a matrix by a vector
downsizeDownsizing of a population to only one individual per box up...
matvcovCalculation of the variances-covariances matrix on the...
newXvalGeneration of a new population of parameter sets following...
paretoIndicates which rows are Pareto
plot_caramelPlotting of caRamel results
plot_paretoPlotting of a population of objectives and Pareto front
plot_populationPlotting of a population of objectives
rselectSelection of n points
val2rankConverting the values of a vector into their rank
vol_splxVolume of a simplex
caRamel documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:01 p.m.