caTools-internal: internal function

EndRuleR Documentation

internal function


internal function


EndRule(x, y, k, dimx,
             endrule=c("NA", "trim", "keep", "constant", "func"), 
             align = c("center", "left", "right"), Func, ...)



numeric vector of length n


width of moving window; must be an integer between one and n.


original dimension of x (usually dim(x)) used to choose dimentions of the output.


character string indicating how the values at the beginning and the end, of the data, should be treated. Only first and last k2 values at both ends are affected, where k2 is the half-bandwidth k2 = k %/% 2.

  • "mad" - applies the mad function to smaller and smaller sections of the array. Equivalent to: for(i in 1:k2) out[i]=mad(x[1:(i+k2)]).

  • "trim" - trim the ends; output array length is equal to length(x)-2*k2 (out = out[(k2+1):(n-k2)]). This option mimics output of apply (embed(x,k),1,FUN) and other related functions.

  • "keep" - fill the ends with numbers from x vector (out[1:k2] = x[1:k2]). This option makes more sense in case of smoothing functions, kept here for consistency.

  • "constant" - fill the ends with first and last calculated value in output array (out[1:k2] = out[k2+1])

  • "NA" - fill the ends with NA's (out[1:k2] = NA)

  • "func" - same as "mad" option except that implemented in R for testing purposes. Avoid since it can be very slow for large windows.


numeric vector of length n, which is partially filled output of one of the run functions. Function EndRule will fill the remaining beginning and end sections using method chosen by endrule argument.


specifies whether result should be centered (default), left-aligned or right-aligned.


Function name that EndRule will use in case of endrule="func".


Additional parameters to Func that EndRule will use in case of endrule="func".


Returns a numeric vector of the same length as x. Only in case of endrule="trim".the output will be shorter.


Jarek Tuszynski (SAIC)

caTools documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:06 p.m.