ebmtcal.cmprsk: European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation data (one...

ebmtcal.cmprskR Documentation

European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation data (one row per individual)


Used in vignette/article: Comparison-with-graphical-calibration-curves-in-competing-risks-setting.





A data frame with 2,279 rows and 17 columns:


Patient indentifier

rec, rec.s

Time until and event indicator for recovery variable

ae, ae.s

Time until and event indicator for adverse event variable

recae, recae.s

Time until and event indicator for recovery + adverse event variable

rel, rel.s

Time until and event indicator for relapse variable

srv, srv.s

Time until and event indicator for death variable


Year of transplant


Age at transplant




Donor-recipient match


Time of censoring


Event indicator, 1:censoring occured, 0: absorbing state entered before censoring occured


A data frame of 2,279 individuals with blood cancer who have undergone a transplant. This data is identical to the ebmt4 data, except two extra variables have been derived, time until censoring and a censoring indicator, which are required to assess calibration using some of the methods in calibmsm. Specifically, the time until censoring ar calculated in the setting of a competing risks model out of the first state, where no further transitions can be made. This means entry into any state (as they are all absorbing states) will have the effect of preventing censoring from occurring, and dtcens and dtcens.s will be different than the values found in ebmtcal. This dataset has been designed to be used alongside dataset msebmtcal.cmprsk, when assessing the calibration of a competing risks model. Code for the derivation of this dataset is provided in the source code for the package.


This dataset was derived from data made available within the mstate package, see ebmt4. The data was originally provided by the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (https://www.ebmt.org/). We reiterate the source statement given by the developers of mstate: "We acknowledge the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) for making available these data. Disclaimer: these data were simplified for the purpose of illustration of the analysis of competing risks and multi-state models and do not reflect any real life situation. No clinical conclusions should be drawn from these data."


EBMT (2023). “Data from the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation.” URL https://search.r-project.org/CRAN/refmans/mstate/html/EBMT-data.html.

de Wreede LC, Fiocco M, Putter H (2011). “mstate: An R Package for the Analysis of Competing Risks and Multi-State Models.” Journal of Statistical Software, 38(7).

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