Man pages for captr
Client for the Captricity API

batch_pricePrice of a Batch
captr_CHECKAUTHCheck if authentication information is there
captr-packagecaptr: R Client for the Capticrity API
create_batchCreate Batch
delete_batchDelete a Batch
delete_jobDelete a Job
get_allGet All the Data For a Particular Job in a csv
get_batch_detailsGet Details of a particular batch
get_instance_setGet Instance Set
get_template_idSet Template ID
list_batchesList Batches
list_batch_filesList all the files in a batch
list_docsList Documents
list_instance_setsList Instance Sets
list_jobsList Jobs
set_batch_templateAssign Template ID to a Batch
set_tokenSets Application Token
submit_batchSubmit the Batch for Processing
test_readinessTest Readiness of a Batch
track_progressTrack Progress of a Job
upload_imageUpload Image
user_profileUser Profile
captr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:26 p.m.