Man pages for card
Cardiovascular and Autonomic Research Design

augment.cosinorAugment data with information from a 'cosinor' object
build_sequential_modelsModel Building
card-packagecard: Cardiovascular and Autonomic Research Design
circ_centerCenter Time Around a Zeitgeiber
circ_compare_groupsCompare Repeated Measurements by Group
circ_oddsOdds Ratio Table by Time Point
circ_radConvert Time to Radians
circ_sunSunrise and Sunset Times
cosinorFit a 'cosinor'
cosinor_areaArea of Ellipse
cosinor_featuresMultiple Component Cosinor Features
cosinor_goodness_of_fitGoodness of Fit of Cosinor
cosinor_zero_amplitudeZero Amplitude Test
gehGEH parameters in a large clinical cohort
geom_residualsPlotting Residual of a Model
ggcircadianCircadian Plot by Group
ggcosinorggplot of cosinor model
ggellipseGraphical Assessment of Amplitude and Acrophase
ggerrorPlotting Error of Models
ggforestForest Plot of Hourly Odds
heart-class'heart' class
hrvOutput from MATLAB HRV Toolbox
hrv_linear_modelHRV Linear Modeling
mimsRecurrent event sample data
predict.cosinorPredict from a 'cosinor'
proc_hrv_matlabProcess Toolbox HRV
read_hrv_matlabRead in Toolbox HRV
recur_followup_tableInitial and Final Visit Table
recurrent_model_buildingRecurrent Event Sequential Model Building
recurrent_propensityPropensity Score Weighting
recur_summaryRecurrent Event Summary Table by Group
recur_survival_tableRecurrent Survival Data Format
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
tidy.cosinorTidy a(n) cosinor object
tripletsHourly time series data with clinical covariates
twinsHourly time series data with clinical covariates
zipcodeZipcodes with Associated Latitude and Longitude
card documentation built on Sept. 3, 2020, 9:07 a.m.