Man pages for caroline
A Collection of Database, Data Structure, Visualization, and Utility Functions for R

addFactLevsAdd new levels to the Factors in a DataFrame.
bestByFind the "best" record within subgroups of a dataframe.
dbWriteTable2Data Import Wrapper for dbWriteTable.
distro.dotsDistribution plot of points
ellipsis.defaultsModify defaults of possible optional ellipsis parameter...
fit.1ln.rprtReport a model fit in a single line of text output
geomeanCalculate the Geometric Mean
groupByGroup a datafame by a factor and perform aggreate functions.
heatmatrixSimple Heatmap Plot
hyperplotAnnotate Outliers in a Scatterplot via an HTML Image-Map
install.prev.pkgInstall the next oldest package
labsegsBuffered Segments for Point Labels
legend.positionautomatically find an optimal position a plot legend based on...
legheadGenerate a Color Coded Legend dataframe via head and sum.
mRegexp Match Operator
makeElipseCoordsMake Elipse Coordinates
mvlabsMove Text Labels Interactively
nergeNamed Merge
nvCreate a named vector from a dataframe, table or vector
padPad a vector of numerical string with zeros.
parseArgStringsProcess Command Line Arguments
pctAdd Percentage Columns to a Dataframe
piesPie chart scatterplot
plotClockPlot a simple clock.
plot.confound.gridPlot a grid of x y plots split by a confounder z
plot.spargeVisually compare all points from different univariate...
plot.xy.ab.pAn x/y scatterplot with a linear regression line and p-value
raAddArmsAdd Arms to a RA plot.
raAddAxLabsAdd axis labels to an RA plot.
raAddSigLinesAdd Significance Lines to an RA plot.
raPlotGenerate a Ratio Average [RAy] Plot.
read.tabRead in a Tab Delimited File.
regroupRegroup a dataframe.
rerownameRename select rows of a dataframe
spieChartSpie charts
sstableSum Sorted Tabulation
tab2dfTable to Data Frame
textplotA Text-Only Plot
usr2limsGrab and adjust the current plot dimensions
vennMatrixCreate a Venn Ready Matrix out of a List of Factors
wjitterWeighted Jitter
write.delimWrite a (tab) delimited text file.
caroline documentation built on Oct. 21, 2024, 9:06 a.m.