checkArgsEventIndicator: Check that Event is in Correct Format

View source: R/utils.R

checkArgsEventIndicatorR Documentation

Check that Event is in Correct Format


Checks for event categories and gives a warning message indicating which level is assumed to be the reference level.


checkArgsEventIndicator(data, event, censored.indicator)



a data.frame or data.table containing the source dataset.


a character string giving the name of the event variable contained in data. See Details. If event is a numeric variable, then 0 needs to represent a censored observation, 1 needs to be the event of interest. Integers 2, 3, ... and so on are treated as competing events. If event is a factor or character and censored.indicator is not specified, this function will assume the reference level is the censored indicator


a character string of length 1 indicating which value in event is the censored. This function will use relevel to set censored.indicator as the reference level. This argument is ignored if the event variable is a numeric


A list of length two. The first element is the factored event, and the second element is the numeric representation of the event


if (requireNamespace("survival", quietly = TRUE)) {
library(survival) # for veteran data
checkArgsEventIndicator(data = veteran, event = "celltype",
                        censored.indicator = "smallcell")
checkArgsEventIndicator(data = veteran, event = "status")
data("bmtcrr") # from casebase
checkArgsEventIndicator(data = bmtcrr, event = "Sex",
                        censored.indicator = "M")
checkArgsEventIndicator(data = bmtcrr, event = "D",
                        censored.indicator = "AML")
checkArgsEventIndicator(data = bmtcrr, event = "Status")

casebase documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:50 p.m.