
Defines functions ability_density

Documented in ability_density

#Common values among functions in the package
st = 0.005 #Distance between every two consecutive evaluated ability levels
lim = 10 #Maximum evaluated ability level
theta = seq(-lim, lim, st) #Evaluated ability level values
num_theta = 2*lim/st+1 #Number of evaluated ability levels

#' Vector of density values of ability level
#' Computes the density function values of the evaluated ability levels
#' @param dens density function (e.g. dnorm, dunif, etc.)
#' @param ... parameters of the density function
#' @return A vector of density values
#' @author Javier Rodriguez-Cuadrado
#' @export
ability_density = function(dens,...) {

  return(dens(theta,...)) #return the vector


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cat.dt documentation built on March 31, 2021, 5:07 p.m.