Man pages for causaldrf
Estimating Causal Dose Response Functions

add_spl_estThe additive spline estimator
aipwee_estPrediction with a residual bias correction estimator
bart_estThe BART estimator
gam_estThe GAM estimator
get_ciThis calculates an upper and lower bound from bootstrap...
hi_estThe Hirano and Imbens estimator
hi_sim_dataSimulated data from Hirano and Imbens (2004)
iptw_estThe inverse probability of treatment weighting (iptw)...
ismw_estThe inverse second moment weighting (ismw) estimator
iw_estThe inverse weighting estimator (nonparametric method)
nmes_dataData set containing data from the National Medical...
nw_estThe Nadaraya-Watson modified estimator
overlap_funThis function creates an overlapping dataset
prop_spline_estThe propensity-spline prediction estimator
reg_estThe regression prediction estimator
scalar_wtsThis function calculates scalar weights for use in other...
sim_dataSimulated data from Schafer and Galagate (2015)
t_modA function to estimate conditional expected values and higher...
wtrg_estThe weighted regression estimator
causaldrf documentation built on Sept. 30, 2022, 1:07 a.m.