Man pages for causaloptim
An Interface to Specify Causal Graphs and Compute Bounds on Causal Effects

analyze_graphAnalyze the causal graph and effect to determine constraints...
btm_varRecursive function to get the last name in a list
causaloptim-packageAn Interface to Specify Causal Graphs and Compute Bounds on...
causalproblemcheckCheck conditions on causal problem
check_constraints_violatedCheck whether any of the observable constraints implied by...
check_linear_objectiveCheck linearity of objective function implied by a causal...
check_parentsCheck for paths from from to to
constraintscheckCheck constraints
create_causalmodelCreate a structural causal model from a graph or a set of...
create_effect_vectorTranslate target effect to vector of response variables
create_linearcausalproblemCreate linear causal problem from causal model and effect
create_q_matrixTranslate response functions into matrix of counterfactuals
create_response_functionTranslate regular DAG to response functions
find_all_pathsFind all paths in a causal model
get_default_effectDefine default effect for a given graph
graphrescheckCheck conditions on digraph
initialize_graphInitialize an igraph object for use with causaloptim
interpret_boundsConvert bounds string to a function
latex_boundsLatex bounds equations
list_to_pathRecursive function to translate an effect list to a path...
opt_effectCompute a bound on the average causal effect
optimize_effect_2Run the optimizer to obtain symbolic bounds
parse_constraintsParse text that defines a the constraints
parse_effectParse text that defines a causal effect
plot_graphresPlot the analyzed graph object
plot.linearcausalproblemPlot the graph from the causal problem with a legend...
print.causalmodelPrint relevant information about the causal model
print.linearcausalproblemPrint the causal problem
querycheckCheck conditions on query
rdirichletSample from a Dirichlet distribution
sample_distributionSample a distribution of observable probabilities that...
simulate_boundsSimulate bounds
specify_graphShiny interface to specify network structure and compute...
update_effectUpdate the effect in a linearcausalproblem object
causaloptim documentation built on Oct. 17, 2024, 9:08 a.m.