Man pages for cbq
Conditional Binary Quantile Models

cbqFitting conditional binary quantile models
cbq-packagecbq: An R Package for Estimating Conditional Binary Quantile...
coef.cbqExtract CBQ Coefficients
daldProbability density function of asymmetric Laplace...
inverseInverse function
is.dichotomousCheck if a predictor is dichotomous, adopted from package...
paldCumulative density function of asymmetric Laplace...
plot.cbqPlot cbq object
plot_coef.cbqMake coefficient plots for cbq
plot_trace.cbqMake traceplots for cbq
predict.cbqPredictions based on the fitted parameter values
print.cbqPrint cbq object
print_coef.cbqPrint cbq coefficients
print_mcmc.cbqPrint the mcmc results from a cbq object
print_text.cbqPrint the main results from a 'cbq' object.
qaldQuantile function of asymmetric Laplace distributions
raldRandom number generator of asymmetric Laplace distributions
cbq documentation built on April 3, 2023, 5:41 p.m.