ccafs-package: Client for CCAFS GCM Data

Description About CCAFS About Amazon S3 About the package raster Citations Vignette Author(s)


Client for Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security (CCAFS) General Circulation Models (GCM) data. Data is stored in Amazon S3, from which we provide functions to fetch data.


Client for Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security (CCAFS) General Circulation Models (GCM) data. Data is stored in Amazon S3, from which we provide functions to fetch data.

R client for Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security (CCAFS) General Circulation Models (GCM) data.

CCAFS website:

CCAFS GCM data for this package comes from Amazon S3 More about Amazon S3 below.

CCAFS data can be used for studying climate change, and how climate impacts various aspects of the earth. Search google scholar with "CCAFS" "GCM" to see example uses.

As far as I can tell, CCAFS GCM data comes from IPCC data.

About Amazon S3

Amazon S3 stands for "Simple Storage Service" - it's like a file system, and they give you links to the files and metadata around those links.

S3 is split up into buckets, essentially folder. All CCAFS data is in one bucket. Within the CCAFS bucket on S3 are a series of nested folders. To get to various files we need to navigate down the tree of folders. Keys are file paths with all their parent folders, e.g., "/foo/bar/1/2". Unfortunately, there's no meaningful search of the CCCAFS data as they have on their website . However, you can set a prefix for a search of these keys, e.g., "/foo/bar" for the key above.

Check out for more info.

About the package

ccafs is a client to work with the data CCAFS provides via Amazon Web Services S3 data.

The ccafs data has access to is the "Spatial Downscaling" data that you see on the page. The other data sets are not open.

Currently, we don't provide a way to search for what data is available. You have to know what you want, or you can list what is available, and then pick files from the list. Though there's not a lot of information in the metadata returned from S3.

We'll work on incorporating a way to search - currently there is no solution.


The main useful output are raster package objects of class RasterLayer or RasterBrick - so in general have raster loaded in your session to maximize happiness.


Cite CCAFS data following their guidelines at

Get a citation for this package like citation(package = 'ccafs')


ccafs has the following vignettes:


Scott Chamberlain

ccafs documentation built on Aug. 26, 2020, 5:15 p.m.