Man pages for ccmReportR
Wraps 'CCM' with Utility Functions

getAttributeGet data from CCM for a specified record
getCaseAttributeGet attributes related to a case
getCasesExecute a SOQL query against the Case object
getDBLabelsHelper function for building SOQL queries
getExposureAttributeGet attributes related to an exposure
getExposuresExecute a SOQL query against the Exposure object
getHealthUnitByNameRetrieve a Health Unit's Id by name
getOutbreakAttributeGet attributes related to an outbreak
getOutbreaksExecute a SOQL query against the Outbreak object
loginObtain an access token to authorize requests
makeTimestampHelper function for building ISO-8601 dates
ccmReportR documentation built on Feb. 12, 2021, 1:06 a.m.