# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393
#' Leaf inclination distribution function
#' cummulative lagden function from Wout Verhoef's dissertation
#' Extended here for any angle
#' @param a parameter
#' @param b parameter
#' @param theta angle in degrees
#' @return angle fraction value
#' @export
cdcum <- function(a, b, theta) {
.Call('_ccrtm_cdcum', PACKAGE = 'ccrtm', a, b, theta)
#' Leaf inclination distribution function
#' Ellipsoidal distribution function
#' @param ala average leaf angle parameter
#' @param tx1 angle in degree
#' @param tx2 angle in degree
#' @return angle fraction value
#' @export
cambell <- function(ala, tx1, tx2) {
.Call('_ccrtm_cambell', PACKAGE = 'ccrtm', ala, tx1, tx2)
cplateModel <- function(r12, t12, r21, t21, x, y, trans, N) {
.Call('_ccrtm_cplateModel', PACKAGE = 'ccrtm', r12, t12, r21, t21, x, y, trans, N)
ctav <- function(theta, n) {
.Call('_ccrtm_ctav', PACKAGE = 'ccrtm', theta, n)
cJfunc1 <- function(k, l, t) {
.Call('_ccrtm_cJfunc1', PACKAGE = 'ccrtm', k, l, t)
cJfunc2or3 <- function(k, l, t) {
.Call('_ccrtm_cJfunc2or3', PACKAGE = 'ccrtm', k, l, t)
cJfunc4 <- function(m, t) {
.Call('_ccrtm_cJfunc4', PACKAGE = 'ccrtm', m, t)
cReflTrans <- function(rho, tau, lai, att, m, sigb, ks, ko, sf, sb, vf, vb) {
.Call('_ccrtm_cReflTrans', PACKAGE = 'ccrtm', rho, tau, lai, att, m, sigb, ks, ko, sf, sb, vf, vb)
cReflTransSingleLayer <- function(rho, tau, lai, ks, ko, sdf, sdb, dof, dob, sob, sof, ddb, ddf) {
.Call('_ccrtm_cReflTransSingleLayer', PACKAGE = 'ccrtm', rho, tau, lai, ks, ko, sdf, sdb, dof, dob, sob, sof, ddb, ddf)
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