Man pages for cdata
Fluid Data Transformations

blocks_to_rowrecsMap data records from block records to row records.
blocks_to_rowrecs_qMap sets rows to columns (query based, take name of table).
blocks_to_rowrecs_specCreate a block records to row records transform...
build_pivot_controlBuild a blocks_to_rowrecs()/rowrecs_to_blocks() control table...
build_pivot_control_qBuild a blocks_to_rowrecs_q() control table that specifies a...
build_unpivot_controlBuild a rowrecs_to_blocks() control table that specifies a...
cdata-package'cdata': Fluid Data Transformations.
check_cols_form_unique_keysCheck columns form unique keys
convert_cdata_spec_to_yamlConvert a layout_specification, blocks_to_rowrecs_spec, or...
convert_recordsGeneral transform from arbitrary record shape to arbitrary...
convert_yaml_to_cdata_specRead a cdata record transform from a simple object (such as...
get_transform_detailsUpack details of a cdata record transform.
grapes-slash-slash-grapesFactor-out (aggregate/project) block records into row...
grapes-times-times-grapesMultiply/join row records into block records.
layout_byUse transform spec to layout data.
layout_by.blocks_to_rowrecs_specUse transform spec to layout data.
layout_by.cdata_general_transform_specUse transform spec to layout data.
layout_by.rowrecs_to_blocks_specUse transform spec to layout data.
layout_specificationCreate a record to record spec.
map_fieldsMap field values from one column into new derived columns...
map_fields_qMap field values from one column into new derived columns...
pivot_to_rowrecsMap data records from block records that have one row per...
qlookQuick look at remote data
rowrecs_to_blocksMap a data records from row records to block records.
rowrecs_to_blocks_qMap a set of columns to rows (query based, take name of...
rowrecs_to_blocks_specCreate a row records to block records transform...
rows_are_uniquely_keyedCheck if table rows are uniquely keyed by keyset.
unpivot_to_blocksMap a data records from row records to block records with one...
cdata documentation built on Aug. 20, 2023, 1:06 a.m.