Man pages for cecs
R Interface for the C Implementation of CEC Benchmark Functions

cec2013CEC2013 interface
cec2014CEC2014 interface
cec2015CEC2015 interface
cec2017CEC2017 interface
cec2019CEC2019 interface
cec2021CEC2021 interface
cec2022CEC2022 interface
cecs_tmp_dirpathcecs temporary directory name
cleanRemove CEC data
destination_fileDownload destination
download_dataDownload CEC data
get_cec_dirpathGet path to CEC data
get_os_nameOS name
unzip_dataExtract compressed data
win_tmp_dirpathWindows temporary directory name
cecs documentation built on Jan. 13, 2022, 1:07 a.m.