testdata: A real-world data set on household income and expenditures

testdataR Documentation

A real-world data set on household income and expenditures


4580 Obervations in 15 Variables; This dataset also contains sampling weights!


testdata: a data frame with 4580 observations on the following 15 variables.

  • urbrur: a numeric vector

  • roof: a numeric vector

  • walls: a numeric vector

  • water: a numeric vector

  • electcon: a numeric vector

  • relat: a numeric vector

  • sex: a numeric vector

  • age: a numeric vector

  • hhcivil: a numeric vector

  • expend: a numeric vector

  • income: a numeric vector

  • savings: a numeric vector

  • ori_hid: a numeric vector

  • sampling_weight: a numeric vector

  • household_weights: a numeric vector


The International Household Survey Network, www.ihsn.org



cellKey documentation built on Nov. 24, 2023, 5:08 p.m.