Man pages for cellWise
Analyzing Data with Cellwise Outliers

cellHandlercellHandler algorithm
cellMapDraw a cellmap
cellMCDcellWise minimum covariance determinant estimator
checkDataSetClean the dataset
cwLocScatEstimate location and scatter of data with cellwise weights
data_brandsThe brands dataset
data_clothesThe clothes dataset
data_dogWalkerDog walker dataset
data_dpossDPOSS dataset
data_glassThe glass dataset
data_mortalityThe mortality dataset
data_personality_traitsThe personality traits data
data_philipsThe philips dataset
data_VOCVOC dataset
DDCDetect Deviating Cells
DIDetection-Imputation algorithm
estLocScaleEstimate robust location and scale
generateCorMatGenerates correlation matrices
generateDataGenerates artificial datasets with outliers
ICPCAIterative Classical PCA
outlierMapPlot the outlier map.
plot_cellMCDDraw plots based on the cellwise minimum covariance...
transfoRobustly fit the Box-Cox or Yeo-Johnson transformation
transfo_newdataTransform variables based on the output of 'transfo'.
transfo_transformbackBacktransform variables based on the output of 'transfo'.
truncPCClassical Principal Components by truncated SVD.
unpackUnpacks cellwise weighted data
weightedEMEstimates location and scatter on incomplete data with case...
wrapWrap the data.
cellWise documentation built on Oct. 25, 2023, 5:07 p.m.