espn_ratings_fpi: *ESPN FPI Ratings*

View source: R/espn_ratings_fpi.R

espn_ratings_fpiR Documentation

ESPN FPI Ratings


Get FPI historical rating data (most recent of each year)


espn_ratings_fpi(year = 2019)





Adapted from sabinanalytic's fork of the cfbfastR repo


A data frame with 20 variables:

year: double.

Season of the Football Power Index (FPI) Rating.

team_id: character.

Unique ESPN team ID - team_id.

name: character.

Team Name.

abbr: character.

Team abbreviation.

fpi: character.

Football Power Index (FPI) Rating.

fpi_rk: character.

Football Power Index (FPI) Rank.

trend: character.

Football Power Index (FPI) ranking trend.

proj_w: character.

Projected Win total for the season.

proj_l: character.

Projected Loss total for the season.

win_out: double.

Probability the team wins out.

win_6: double.

Probability the team wins at least six games.

win_div: double.

Probability the team wins at their division.

playoff: double.

Probability the team reaches the playoff.

nc_game: double.

Probability the team reaches the national championship game.

nc_win: double.

Probability the team wins the national championship game.

win_conf: double.

Probability the team wins their conference game.

w: character.

Wins on the season.

l: character.

Losses on the season.

t: character.

Ties on the season.



cfbfastR documentation built on June 14, 2022, 1:05 a.m.